Introduction: Recycling Formula Cans

About: I love to design and build things, small or large scale. Glad there's a place to exhibit my ideas, and to learn from others ideas! I strive to reduce MY Carbon Footprint, and making others aware of theirs. I t…
This time around, I'll show several uses for the formula cans that tend to build up when you have infants. I've amassed over 50 of these in the last 10 months. Can't bring myself to throw them out.

So, I finally decided to try out a few ideas. Hope you find them useful! I also hope my pics look clearer.

Oh, and rate this Instructable so I can tell whether you like my ideas!

Step 1: Mood Lights

In the first pic, left to right, White LED lamp, Blue LED lamp w/ Hard disk drive platter for reflector, empty on top, white LED solar garden light lamp, and computer fan wind tunnel.

2nd pic shows blue LED lamp in dark. This one has a HDD platter glued to the inside bottom of the formula can, and aluminum foil lining the cylinder portion, and a wire mesh screen held in with a trimmed lid.

Step 2: Prepare the Can...

Remove the label, unless you like the aestetics.
Clean the formula residue by briskly brushing the inside with a DRY bottle brush.
place the lid on the bottom of the can and use the molding "nipple" to locate the center.
Drilla hole for your LED, I used 5mm as I had a 5mm LED.
Insert the LED, and hot glue for durability.
You don't have to use screen to cover the end, but it opens up possibilities...

Step 3: Possibilities...

Here's a few pics of a few different setups I tried. Feel Free to try anything to get the desired look.
You can cover the outside of the can with paper, magazine pages, or paint, glue on sequins, etc.

Step 4:

This "wind tunnel" was fashioned from a formula can, and a 12v .15 amp computer fan. It doesn't push a LOT of air, but when you have radiant heaters, it helps a lot.

This design could be incorporated into a fog chiller too.

build several lights and place them together for more light, or use different color LEDs and create a light show! My sons room has a red illuminated spider-man symbol can shining on his wall.

You can use cereal boxes to make you cutout, and hot glue them to the screen, or if no screen, use the negative cutout and use a lid to hold it in place.

Tape several light tubes 2gether and hang from ceiling, or use magnets to hold them to a fridge or other metal surface.

Step 5: Other Uses

You can also use these cans to separate and store various things, such as crayons, bolts, markers, nails, pencils, junk, you name it.

Try filling them with various filler, like cotton balls or paper, put the lid on and use them as drums for the wee ones.

Start plants in them, use them for cotton swabs(after a thorough cleaning)

Place a magnet on the bottom and put in your engine compartment to hold tools or bolts for you while operating.

Use a a stash box, or penny bank. You or the kids can paint or otherwise decorate the outside to your liking.

Cut X's in the lid, placeon can, and use it to hold your toothbrushes, separately.

Want to hide something quickly, turn the can over on top of it!

Fill them with powder(talc, baby,starch) and shoot them with your bb gun. Makes nice puffs of smoke for hit confirmation.

USE YOUR IMAGINATION! Try to keep them out of landfills!