Introduction: Red Neck Mixer

About: I make cool stuff for your enjoyment.

My wife burned out her last blender making margaritas all the time. So I thought I'd do a homemade blender assembled from some of the stuff I've got in the shop. This is actually a mixer since I didn't have a real big jar but you could definitely use it for blending smoothies and fancy drinks.

Step 1: Assemble the Equipment for a Red Neck Mixer

You're gonna need some zip ties and a longish alan wrench. You can use whatever drill you've got that's handy. The higher power the better.

Step 2:

Attach the zip ties to the alan wrench as per seen in the illustrations. Make sure they're nice and tight.

Step 3: Test It Out

Press the button on your drill. The zip ties should spin around real fast. Be careful they don't hit your hands or face because they'll hurt.

Step 4: Enjoy!

You can use this for mixing drinks or even cookie dough. Have fun and be safe!

And please note that this Instructable is tagged as 'parody.'