Introduction: Redneck T-shirt Repair

I had a good sized rip in a favorite work shirt, and figured I ought to patch it. Well, duct tape never did stick too good to wet stuff, so first wash I knew it would be gone. Had some of that 100% Glue to try out, and it's flexible, so what is there to lose?

Oh, by the way, this is my first Instructable, leastways that I can recall, and I took the pictures kinda after the fact, but I fixed that too.

Step 1: Make Yer "duct Tape" Patch

Now everyone knows that duct tape is silver, although there are all kinds of fancy ones out there, but I wanted it to be traditional. Shiny like a chrome ratchet! So I figured I'd go over to the fabric store and browse around to find something silvery and fabricy. What I come across is this stuff they use for ironing board covers and it seems to be about right so I bought a little hunk of it and set about cuttin' it in duct tape width. This little craft cutter made good straight edges. Probably shoulda cut the end with the band saw or run 'em past the belt grinder to rag them up a bit, but didn't.

Step 2: You Need to Make Yerself a Backer Board.

All you need is a stiff piece of plywood that will fit inside the shirt, so the patch don't get stuck to the other side of the shirt. Tape a piece of wax paper on there so the shirt don't stick to the board. Because that would be uncomfortable and make an awful clunk in the washer.

Step 3: Let's Get 'er Done! Glue It to It!

Like I said, I forgot to take the pictures while I was doing stuff and they got took in reverse so there isn't really a picture for this step. Well, there was another little hole under the arm, so I'll fix that too and now there's a picture.

Went and cut the ends of this little patch with the scroll saw and let it flap about a bit. looks like it was ripped off the roll, as it should.

Now, if you're like me, you will get this on your hands. See that tape on the bottle at the top right? Well it took some searching but I found what gets it off. Acetone, alcohol (don't waste good 'shine, but if you kept the heads when you made it, use them) or naptha (lighter fluid). Really, that info should be right on the bottle. In big letters!

So, line it up good and slap it on.

just a side note, my buddy what makes the Rebel Rum Reserve out in the next county tells me that the heads with all them higher volatiles really sets the wood stove alight quick! So if you're making shine don't pour the first bit down the sink. It's useful for cleaning and fire starter, but just make sure you label it poison so it don't get drunk, cause that bit is what can make you blind or at least gives you wicked hangovers. Don't taste good either.

Step 4: You Gonna Finish That Sandwich?

Put another piece of wax paper on top, then a couple layers of rag to get an even push on it. Drop the top board on and, be careful, clamp it all together.

Mind you, like I said, you want to do this careful like so you don't get the patch sliding out of place or make wrinkles.

Now you can leave it for a good hour or so.

Step 5: Well, It's About Time, I Reckon.

So if you're skittering about doing other stuff, like making another high tech drinking jar, set a timer for an hour and if it reads 00:00 when you notice it, then it's probably fine to undo the clamps and see how it looks. Peel back slowly in case there is a bit of glue sticking to the paper. It peeled off nice for me.

This glue takes about a full day to get to its full strength, but you can handle it gently now.

Hope the shiny stuff don't wreck in the washer. I'll let you know if I think of it.

Step 6: There, I Fixed It!

...and now you know why the patch is silver.

Keep your stick on the ice!