Introduction: Refinished Lamp
These 20 year old brass plated lamps used to be popular but now they adulterate the bedrooms, lounges and home offices of young peoples first homes everywhere.
‘Here son/daughter, I thought you might find this lamp useful for your new home’
‘Is it the really cool Ikea lamp that costs a fortune?’
‘No, we were given this one 20 years ago and you’ve never seen it because we hate it and its been been in the attic since the day your Great Aunt Shirley donated it to us when we had no lamps.’
I resolved this plight by turning my old lamp into a delightfully modern and stylish lamp.
Step 1: Step 1
Warning: If your knowledge of electrics is limited to only just remembering how to change a plug, I recommend putting the screwdriver down and masking off the light fitting and wire rather them removing them and rewiring the lamp later.
Step 2: Step 2
Optional: Add a single white stitch line around the top and bottom. I thought this subtle addition really finished it off well.
Step 3: Step 3
Warning: Use an energy saving bulb rather than an incandescent bulb. They aren't as hot and will minimize the risk of fire.
Please don't blame me if you burn down your house, i was only trying to make it look prettier :)
Reassemble the lamp and when your generous donor asks for their lamp back (because its so awesome now), you can polightely refuse :)
- Automotive paint is by far the best. However, it is expensive. If you can afford it, you wont regret it
- Spray painting is not easy to do well and is a good skill to learn. With practice you will get a better finish. This link below demonstrates some good techniques.
- Use etching primer if you want a more durable and flawless finish.
- I made two matching lamps. They don't even need to be the same really they would still look great together.
- Clean metal surface with methylated spirits, alcohol or nail polish remover to clean thoroughly. (Don't use nail polish remover on the painted layers. It will remove the paint!)
Thank you for reading my lighthearted Instructable I hope I was able to enlighten you :)