Introduction: Remind App Tutorial
This is a tutorial for the Remind App. This is a great way to communicate with parents in a confidential way without giving out your phone number.
Step 1: Go to the App Store
Step 2: Find the Remind App
Find the Remind App in the App store.
Step 3: Create a Log in and Password
Create a Log in and password that you can remember and only you know.
Step 4: Find Your School
Step 5: Set Your Office Hours
It is important to set your office hours as parents can contact you at any time. Setting contact hours in imperative!
Step 6: Add Your Contacts
There are three ways to add contacts in the future.
Step 7: Choose How to Add Contacts
For this class purposes we are adding contacts with the green 'add people' button.
Step 8: Enter Names and Numbers
Enter contact names and numbers from your class list given by the office
Step 9: Make an Annoucement
Click on your class name to make an announcement to your class. Remember confidentiality.
Step 10: Start a Conversation
Click on 'Start a Conversation' and the little pencil to start a confidential conversation with a parent.
Step 11: Construct Your Message
Create a confidential message for your student and their parent.
A great starter example could be: Hello Mrs. Robinson, I was so excited when I saw Jamison's name on my class list! I can't wait to work with you this year and get to know Jamison. Make sure you proofread your text and click send.
Step 12:
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