Introduction: Industrial IoT Applications - Remotely Monitor Your Windows, Home, Office
**Update: The article below is from our legacy Android app! Valarm is Industrial IoT (IIoT). We'll help you, your teams, and your business with Industrial IoT applications using Valarm Tools Cloud.
We recommend using GSM, WiFi, or ethernet connector devices / sensors hubs with any sensors since they're much more reliable than Androids for Industrial IoT applications like:
- Natural resources
- Chemical cleaning companies
- Agriculture
- Oil & gas
- Industrial cleaning services
- Governments
- Petroleum
- Water resources management
- Chemical distribution
- Fluids monitoring
You can use Valarm Industrial IoT, telemetry and remote sensor monitoring solutions with any of the following connector devices:
Valarm Industrial IoT sensor data is GPS-tagged, time-stamped, and sent to Valarm Tools Cloud / via any internet connectivity like WiFi, ethernet, or cell network. With Valarm Tools Cloud you’ll find services for mapping, graphing, and APIs like JSON to help you with your real-time, geo-enabled sensor monitoring and Industrial IoT applications.
Valarm compatible sensors and Industrial IoT hardware are available at
Learn how all of this works together on our Web Dashboards for Remote Monitoring, Telemetry, Sensors & Industrial IoT.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if your business needs help with deploying an Industrial IoT application or have any questions!
Here’s what you’ll need for affordable remote monitoring of your windows in your home, office, or anywhere else:
- Valarm Pro installed on an Android device (dedicated device recommended, such as Sony Xperia U ST25)
- Yoctopuce Yocto-Knob sensor (Valarm compatible sensors are available at
- A magnet switch for each window (up to 5 per Yocto-Knob sensor)
Step 1: Connect the Dots: Phone / Tablet + Sensor
Step 2: Trigger Switch Settings
Verify that any channels using trigger switches like the magnets are set to “Open triggers MAX” as shown in the photo below. In this example I’m just using Channel 1 but the Yocto-Knob has 5 channels available for any combination of electrical resistance sensors.