Introduction: Remotely Operated Bomb Drop

Cool toys and lots of running, what better way could there be to keep children entertained while flying RC planes over their heads. Whether you are drop candy or parachute men, this little module is great for anything from keeping kids distracted to scaring unsuspecting people who walk into your trap.

While I chose to attach this to my RC plane, it can be attached almost anywhere, from over a door to on the roof, and the principle remains the same. The same can be said about the control mechanism, I plugged it in to my RC receiver, but the servo can be plugged into an Arduino, SparkCore, or anything that can control it.

Before we get started, I feel like I should remind you that dropping items on people can be dangerous if you do not choose your payload properly. Be sure to not drop anything that could injure people or damage property.

Without further ado, lets get building!

Step 1: Materials

For this project you will need...

  • A piece of foamboard or piece of plastic (I used foamboard from the local dollar store)
  • A small micro servo
  • A rubberband
  • Cutting tool
  • Something to drop

Additionally, to remotely control the device, you will need something with the capability to control a servo.

Step 2: Cut the Board

This step is mostly self-explanatory, simply cut the board into a reasonably sized rectangular piece. Mine ended up measuring 7x3 in.

Step 3: Attach the Servo

Now, attach the servo. I choose to attach the servo with zip-ties, but you could use glue, or any other method you can think of. Even better, you could use glue and add zip-ties as reinforcements.

Step 4: Rubberbands!

Now, using a zip-tie, attach the rubber-band on the other side of the board - away from the servo. You can move it close or further depending on what sort of objects you plan to drop.

Next, give it a test. If it works, great, however, you may have some issues with the rubber-band gripping onto the servo horn. To solve this, make a small loop with the zip-tie. The loop should be attached to the rubber-band, and still have enough space to loosely hook over the servo horn.

Step 5: Testing and Some Extra Considerations

Now, you are all set to hook it up and test it. Attaching it to my RC Plane control system was simple enough, I simply plugged it into the gear slot, and I was set to go. However, you can control the servo in any way you wish. But, as you can imagine, this can put some strain on the servo, so here is what I recommend:

Firstly, ensure that the servo can hold the payload using static friction (servo is off, but it is still holding position).

Next, if you hear the servo straining when powered, adjust the position so that the force is not directly perpendicular to the servo horn, this should help.

Anyways, now you are done with your Remotely Operated Bomb Drop! Have fun dropping stuff from the skies! Stay safe, and enjoy raining candy on the local schoolyard (Don't actually do this, hard candy can hurt).

If you enjoyed this Instructable, I would really appreciate your vote in the Radio Shack Remote Control Contest!