Introduction: Remotely Operated WEBCAM / Laser / Camera /flashlight
Control APP (free) to remotely control your laser pointer from your Android device (Wi-Fi, max range: 60 m). Video link. More info here.
This is, basically, a 2 axis (azimuth/altitude or pan and tilt) cable or Wi-Fi controlled robot. Completely OPEN SOURCE (all the design files and control code are fully available for everyone to modify or adapt it to its needs) and with a 3D printed frame. It can hold: small cameras, laser pointers, flashlights, toy guns, a stick…. everything you want to move or point to. It has been designed with these premises in mind:
- Have to be easy to print and set-up
- Arduino compatible / Python code controllable
- With a smooth but fast movement
- Accurate
- Robust but portable
- Adaptable and easy to be modified
You can attach to it:
- Webcams
- Cameras
- Lasers
- flashlights
- ....
Step 1: Laser Pointer Robot Specifications
- Total height: 200 mm.
- Nº of axis: 2 (altitude and azimuth)
- Freedom of movement: -60° to +240° altitude, 0° to ±180° azimuth
- Max rotational speed: 360°/second
- Total Weight: 920 grams
- Repeatability (degrees): 0.1
- Maximum Payload Capacity without the need of weight balancing (laser/torch):120 grams
- Driving motors: 2x NEMA17 1.8° stepper motor
- Can control a 12V up to 0.5A light/laser via software when connected to the AUX port on the DEVIA control board.
- Firmware: Arduino code. Control software: Python. Both are freely available.
- Xbox /PS4 controller compatible
- Portable (you can use any 9 to 15V DC battery pack or power source)
Step 2: Interactive 3D Model and Videos
Some videos of the robot in action:
Convert it into a remotely operated webcam:
Control it using an Xbox/ PS4 controller:
Step 3: BOM and 3D Printed Parts
Below, the items you need to create this robot. The list includes some more bolts than the quantity really needed, but in this case “better to have too much, than too little”
Laser pointer 3D printed parts | 1 |
NEMA 17 stepper motor(MT-1703HS168A or equivalent) | 2 |
MOTOR CABLES (45 cms) | 1 |
MOTOR CABLES (14 cms) | 1 |
Mouse projector LED torch | OPTIONAL |
20 teeth GT2 pulley | 2 |
Circular Ball bearing 6002RS or 6002ZZ | 2 |
zip ties (100mm long, 5mm wide) | 6-10 |
200mm Timing belt (200 GT2) | 3 |
Cable wrap 50 cms (not mandatory but recommended) | 1 |
Silicone “feet” (to improve its “ground anchoring“) | 1 |
DEVIA control Board (or equivalent Arduino M0, ESP8266) | 1 |
Motor drivers A4988 + heatsinks | 2 |
USB cable 1m (micro USB connector) | 1 |
12V/2A Power supply with 2.1mm POWER JACK | OPTIONAL |
Car “Lighter socket” power cord with 2.1 POWER JACK | OPTIONAL |
BOLTS and NUTS | |
M3 6mm bolt | 6 |
M3 10mm bolt | 14 |
M3 15mm bolt | 10 |
M3 45mm bolt | 4 |
M3 nuts | 6 |
Camera NUT (tripod type, if you are planning to attach it to a tripod) | 4 |
If you want to save the hassle of getting the different elements from different sources and want them all fast, create your own custom Robotic KIT here (and add what you really need)
BEFORE STARTING: Most of this robot elements have been “3D printed”.Keep this in mind: You can break it if you apply too much force or tight a screw more that you should. We will let you know, during this assembly guide, when you can tighten the screws as much as you can or where you should just fix a part to another not forcing it at all.
If you choose to print the parts by yourself: every filament (PLA, PLA+, ABS, PETG…) has its own set of “perfect printing” parameters in order to achieve the flawless 3D-printed parts, if you overheat the filament, the layer thickness will be increased and the different part´s tolerances may be compromised. This should not be a problem but using a knife to clean the parts a bit may be mandatory.
During the design process, we have tested many 3D printers and a bunch of filament brands and if you print the parts carefully, you will not find problems at all.
Step 5:
Direct link to the 3D parts repository: here

Step 6:

Note: the 2x6mm + 2x10mm bolts will firmly “capture” the motor to the plastic part, but do not completely tighten these bolts yet. There is a belt we will need to place and stretch. In red circles: 2x10mm bolts ready to be screwed.

Step 7:

Step 8:

Step 9:

Step 10:

Then, insert 2x40mm bolts (green circles). They will keep in place the BASE MOTOR (azimuth motor). Use a 15mm and 6mm bolt to fix the Control board DEVIA to the tripod´s leg. Do not worry about placing the A4988 modules yet. You can do that later. Check the power barrel socket of the DEVIA in the image above to know the orientation of the DEVIA control board.

Step 11: How to Upload the Firmware to the DEVIA Control Board (or Compatible Arduino Board)
(Skip this step if you got the Plug & Play Laser pointer robot kit version. The Arduino is already programmed)
a) Install the Arduino IDE on your PC from here (skip this step if you have the Arduino IDE already installed) This Laser pointer code has been tested and developed on IDE version 1.8.11 and later versions. If you have a problem compiling the code, let us know
b) Download all the arduino files from here. Copy the files inside the Laser_pointer_VX folder in your hard drive
c) Compile and send the code to the DEVIA control board:
- Open your Arduino IDE
- Open the main code in /Laser_pointer_VX/Laser_pointer_VX.ino
- Connect your DEVIA board with the USB cable to the PC
- Note: If this is the first time you connect an Arduino board to your PC maybe you might need to install the driver.
- Select the board Arduino/Genuino ZERO (native USB port). In the TOOLS menu->board
- Select the serial port that appears on the tools->Serial port
- Send the code to the board (UPLOAD button: Arrow pointing to the RIGHT)

d) Done!
Step 12: Electronics. How to Connect Everything

Check the image above to know how to connect everything properly. Double-check the polarity of the motor cables connected to the control board. If you connect it backwards, the motor will spin in the opposite direction.
- Never connect a cable or A4988 module when the power supply is ON/ plugged.
- When placing the heat sinks on top of the A4988 modules, do not let them touch the metal headers protruding from the modules. That may cause a short-circuit and possibly damaging the modules and/or control board.
- Cables slack: Keep in mind that the cables must let the robot move freely. If they are too tight, they will limit the robot movement (and possibly they will get broken). So, run the cables from the motors to the control board and move the laser pointer to its physical limits. Once you are sure the cables are not interfering with the movements, fix them using zip ties. There are holes in the laser pointer robot where you can fix the zipties. You can use the cable wrap to tidy everything up a bit.
Step 13: Python and Arduino CODE. Controlling the Robot
Download the Python code from here.
NOTE:You need to have already installed the Python 3.8 in your computer. And the libraries:
- pygame
- serial
- tkinter
- time
LINK: how to install Python libraries
Basically, the python code will send the Laser pointer two angles: Azimuth and altitude.

You can send these two parameters via a SERIAL port (USB cable connected to the DEVIA control board) or via WI-FI.
SERIAL: you need to know which COM PORT has been assigned by your computer to the DEVIA control board. It will vary from computer to computer. You can know it, opening the Arduino IDE and checking the TOOLS-> PORT menu

Once you know it, you need to let the Python code where is the Laser pointer robot in this code line:
COM_PORT = COM3 # You could check the Serial port number on Arduino
Just modify the COM3 port for any other it has been assigned. Then, RUN (pressing F5) the code after saving changes.
Alternatively, if you are planning to control the robot via WI-FI just connect your computer to the NETWORK the DEVIA control board will create after some seconds once powered up. Its name should be something like JJROBOTS_XX. Use this password to get access to the network: 87654321
By default, the connection will be established over WI-FI. If you want to control the laser pointer robot with a USB cable modify this code line, and set it as TRUE:
———> SERIAL_PORT =True
Azimuth can go from 0° (starting position of the laser pointer) to 360°. Positive values will move the robot as the image indicates. You can get to 120° both using the command sendAngles2(120,0,1)or sendAngles2(-240,0,1)
Altitude can go from 0° (starting position of the laser pointer) to 360°. Positive values will move the robot as the image indicates with the movement arrows. Example: You can get to 120° using the command sendAngles2(0,120,1)
NOTE: Altitude values are limited by the gadget’s dimensions you have attached to the laser pointer robot. It may collide with the frame, limiting its movement to less than 90° or not restricting the freedom of movement at all.
There is another command you can send to configure the laser pointer behavior. This one will set the maximum speed and acceleration of the robot:
Where b’JJAS’ is the command header identifier of the message to be sent. And the following values are:
sendCommand(b’JJAS’,50,0,70,0), where 50 indicates that we are moving the laser pointer MOTOR1 at 50% of its maximum speed and 70% of its maximum acceleration.
But… where are those MAX SPEED and MAX ACCEL parameters defined? Well, in the Arduino (firmware) code:
If you open the configuration.hfile in the Arduino IDE, you will find all the parameters that defines the laser pointer behavior: movement limits for both motors, reductions (pulleys), and maximum speeds and accelerations. They have been set, so the robot will behave “properly”, but feel free to play with the values if you want to.
So, for example: If in the Arduino CODE it is defined the max speed and acceleration as this: #define MAX_SPEED_M1 16000, #define MAX_ACCEL_M1 30. And we send, this command: sendCommand(b’JJAS’,50,0,70,0), we are telling the laser pointer to move the MOTOR1 at 50% of 16000 steps per second (8000) and get up to 70% of its maximum acceleration (21).
BELOW: This is where, in the configuration.h file everything has been defined. These are the “firmware” parameters that the Arduino will use to move the laser pointer.
#define ROBOT_ABSOLUTE_MAX_M1 121 //121 //114 //121 // max degrees
#define ROBOT_ABSOLUTE_MAX_M2 142 //146 //146 //142 // max degrees
#define MOTOR_STEPS 200 //1.8 degree motor = 360/1.8=200
#define M1_REDUCTION 4
#define M2_REDUCTION 3.2
// This depends on your motor type and reduction
// Maximun motor acceleration in (steps/seg2)/1000 [acceleration in miliseconds] 30 => 30.000 steps/sec2
#define MAX_ACCEL_M1 30 //50
#define MAX_ACCEL_M2 30 //50
#define MIN_ACCEL_M1 50
#define MIN_ACCEL_M2 50
// Maximum speed in steps/seg (max 32765)
#define MAX_SPEED_M1 16000 //16000
#define MAX_SPEED_M2 16000 //16000
#define MIN_SPEED_M1 200 //1000
#define MIN_SPEED_M2 200 //1000
Python: If you run the file, (the control APP) you will find a popup menu like this:

There are 3 fields. You can send azimuth and altitude angles just copying the syntax created by the Stellarium software (we did it like this for a new feature we are working on)
121°13’32.2″ +21°53’33.7 (you can copy and paste these coordinates to the field “AZ/ALT” and after pressing “Go!” the laser pointer will move and point at that point.
Or you can just populate the Angle1 (Azimuth) and Angle2 (Altitude) files with the angles you want the laser pointer to point to.
NOTE: you can, additionally, move the laser pointer using the computer’s keyboard and or Xbox /PS4 controller connected to your PC.
For the Keyboard: use the arrow keys.
Arrow keys: normal movement
CONTROL + Arrow keys: more precision
SHIFT + Arrow keys: faster movement

To control the laser pointer with the controller, just connect it to your computer and check if it has been recognized. Then, launch the python control APP and move the robot using the right thumb stick. Easy!
Python control: CODE EXAMPLE
Download the example code from here (laserpointer_control EXAMPLE
This code has additional lines (see below) that will move the laser pointer to certain positions. In this case, the laser will draw a kind of “cross”, 10 times: defined in the line ( for i in range(0,10): )
The robot movement is defined by the command sendAngles2 (azimuth, altitude, time). We are giving the robot 0.2 seconds to complete the movement (from the code t=0.2). If the “goal” point is not reached within those 0.2 seconds, the robot will continue to the next point and try to get there within the time assigned to this new movement (again, 0.2 seconds). The coordinates the robot will point to are 8,0 -> 0,0 -> -8,0 -> 0,0 -> 0,8 …
<code>######################################### ### CUSTOM MOVEMENT ######################################## for i in range(0,10): t=0.2 #Time we are giving the robot to get there. If the movement takes too long to reproduce, #the robot will move to the next one even when the previous has not been completed. sendAngles2(8,0,t) sendAngles2(0,0,t) sendAngles2(-8,0,t) sendAngles2(0,0,t) sendAngles2(0,8,t) sendAngles2(0,0,t) sendAngles2(0,-8,t) sendAngles2(0,0,t)
Step 14: LINKS
- Assembly guide: A complete step-by-step guide to create your own laser pointer robot (this page)
- Arduino code: The code in charge of controlling the Laser pointer robot. To be uploaded to the DEVIA control board
- CONTROL APP Python code
- Laser pointer 3D parts models (.stl file format and .iges)
- DEVIA Control Board
- Laser pointer BOM (bill of materials) .pdf