Introduction: Remove Safty Lock on Bic a Lighter
I'm sure most of you know what I'm talking about. If not the child safty lock is the little peice of metal located on top of the striker wheel. In order for you to be able to light it you must first push down the metal safty lock and then you can use the striker wheel. If you're like me and hate doing this then this instructable is for you.
sorry some of the pictures are blurry this was one of the small lighters
sorry some of the pictures are blurry this was one of the small lighters
Step 1: Tools You Will Need
1. Small flathead screwdriver
2. you're lighter
2. you're lighter
Step 2: What You Need to Do
There is a metal sheild guard, you need to remove it. This is what the small flathead is for. Take the flat head and insert it were I have it in the picture. Then gently pry up on the inside of the guard, do the same for the other side.
Step 3: Removing Safty Lock
Now it's time to remove the safty lock. Pull it back away from the striker wheel. Once you do that grap it between your thunb and finger. Wiggle it back and forth while pulling up. It should come out after a few times.
Step 4: Now Put It Back Together
All you do is slip the metal sheild back on you will know it's on all the way because you will here a click. Now you don't have to deal with that child safty lock getting in your way.