Introduction: Repair Leg on Elsa Doll
This is an easy repair.
Needs on Saber Saw, masking tape, UV glue, Builders Bog (plastic body filler), sandpaper paint and paintbrush.
Step 1: Cutting Body to Remove Leg for Repair Using Saber Saw
Mark body with a marker pen to see where to cut. Use a screwdriver to pry and break open and seams.
Step 2: This Is Part to Remove
This shows part of the body to remove to get at leg
Step 3:
This is the broken bit of leg. I use UV glue to stick back together.
Step 4: Replacing Part Back in the Leg
Placed repaired part back in the leg.
Step 5: Filled Repaired Part
I filled repaired broken part with Builders bog. and let harder and sanded and smoothed to get ready to fit back in doll
Step 6: Put Leg Back in Palace and Tested Movement
Once leg in place and moving I used UV glue to hold body part that had been cut out. Then filled body cuts with Builders bog and sanded till smooth and ready to paint
Step 7: Painting
Once the body was smooth enough to paint masked legs and painted. I had to repaint all of the swimsuit so matched.
Step 8: Finished Product
Be ready to do this again for the other leg. My repair can't break due to Builders Bog filling part