Introduction: Replace Brake Pads on a Hayes Hydraulic Disk Brake

About: I like to tinker with just about anything, sometimes it works out in the end. Have fun looking at the projects, try tearing something open and let me know how it goes. cheers, -Joe
This is a quick way to replace the pads on your Hayes Hydraulic mtn bike brakes.

Step 1: Tools

Needle Nose Pliers
Cone Wrench

Step 2:

Remove the wheel.

Step 3: Remove the Pads

Now its time to remove the old pads, grab the tabs on the bottom of the pads with a pair of pliers. Pull down and they should come out.

Step 4: Put the New Pads In...

So put the new pads in exactly as the others had come out, I find it easier to put the pad closest to the frame first, then the next.

The pads stay on with a small spring clip that fixes to a post on the piston of the brake.

Step 5: Spread Em...

You sometimes (most of the time...) need to spread the pads after putting them in. If you do, DO NOT use a screwdriver, it can gouge the pads.

Instead slide a cone wrench in between the pads and you should be ready to roll.