Introduction: Replace Your Oakley Half Jacket 2.0 Lenses
This set of instructions will direct you on how to change out the lenses on your Oakley Half Jacket 2.0's. This type of lens switch can be little bit tricky, but this set of directions will clearly define how to successfully change out the lenses without damaging the glasses or the glass.
The Half Jacket 2.0 and the photos of the glasses included in these instructions are copyrighted under the United States and other copyright laws, and is the exclusive property of Oakley, Inc. I do not claim to own any of the items used in this set of instructions.
The Half Jacket 2.0 and the photos of the glasses included in these instructions are copyrighted under the United States and other copyright laws, and is the exclusive property of Oakley, Inc. I do not claim to own any of the items used in this set of instructions.
Step 1: Step 1 of 10: Unfold Your Glasses Temples
Before beginning the removal of your old lenses, unfold the temples of the glasses. The temples of the glasses are the pieces that rest behind your ears and hold the glasses up, as indicted by the picture above. Unfolding the temples of the glasses will make the removal of the lenses easier.
Step 2: Step 2 of 10: Begin the Removal of the First Lens
To begin the removal of your glasses first lens, firmly grasp the glasses by the top of the frame and the bottom of the lens that is to be removed. The photo above indicates how the glasses should be held in your hands.
Step 3: Step 3 of 10: Remove the First Corner of Your Lens
The first corner of the lens that needs to be removed is the corner closest to the nose pads. To remove this corner, push down firmly on the top of the frame located above the lens with your thumb. At the same time that you are pushing down on the top of the frame you must push up on that bottom of the frame located between the lenses with your index finger. The areas that must be pressed on are indicated by the arrows on the picture above.
Step 4: Step 3 of 10, Part II: Remove the First Corner of Your Lens
The picture above shows what your Oakley Half Jacket 2.0's should look like after the first corner of your first lens is successfully removed.
Step 5: Step 4 of 10: Remove the Second Corner of Your Lens
To remove the second corner of your lens, simply slide the lens out and away from the outer side of the frame. The arrows on the photo above indicate how to successfully remove the lens without damaging the glasses or the glass.
Step 6: Step 5 of 10: Finishing the Removal of the First Lens
After the second corner of the first lens is successfully removed your old lens should be completely separated from the frame. To remove the second lens complete steps 1 through 5 again.
Step 7: Step 6 of 10: Unfold Your Glasses Temples
Before beginning the installation of your new lenses, unfold the temples of the glasses. The temples of the glasses are the pieces that rest behind your ears and hold the glasses up, as indicted by the picture above. Unfolding the temples of the glasses will make the installation of the new lenses easier.
Step 8: Step 7 of 10: Begin the Installation of Your First Lens
To begin the installation of your new Oakley Half Jacket 2.0 lens, grasp the bottom of the lens and the top of the frame much like you did when you removed the previous lenses. The photo above indicates how the lens should be held to successfully install it into the Half Jacket 2.0 frames.
Step 9: Step 8 of 10: Install the First Corner of the Lens
The first corner of the lens that has to be installed is the corner that is more narrow and closest to the temple (ear piece). To install it the narrow corner must be firmly slid into the notch next to the temple. An example is shown above of the narrow corner, and the installation of that corner.
Step 10: Step 9 of 10: Install the Second Corner of Your Lens
To install the second corner of your lens, you must pull the lens out towards the corner that you just installed and push it up into the second notch located near the nose piece. This part is a little tough so do not feel cautious about pushing the lens in a little roughly. The lens is made of incredibly durable poly carbonate material so it takes a lot for them to break. The arrows on the photo above indicate how the second corners installation should occur.
Step 11: Step 10 of 10: Finishing the Installation of Your New Lens
Once the second corner is slid into the notch give it once last push to insure that it is completely set in place. Your lens should be completely installed. To install your second lens complete steps 7 through 11 again.