Introduction: Replace a Window Controller in a Subaru Outback

About: I like to tinker with just about anything, sometimes it works out in the end. Have fun looking at the projects, try tearing something open and let me know how it goes. cheers, -Joe
My drivers side window would not go up, thats no good. So I had to replace the window controller.

Step 1: Parts

So you'll need a PP-TD20 window controller unit.

Phillips head screw driver
Panel Remover

Step 2: Remove Screws

There are only two screws in the door panels.
They are both below little plastic covers. One on the door release , and one below the handle.

Step 3: Satellite

Remove the tweeter covers, they just pop off.

Step 4: Pry Off the Door Panels.

Pop the panel pry tool in the door and pop the panel off. You can use a screw driver, but then you might break the little tabs off.

Step 5: Try Out the Switch

So my window would not go up... but it woul go down. So There is a green plug on the door, open it up and test out the behaviour. Since I got 0 volts with the meter when I pushed the switch up, but -12 when I pushed it down I figured it was the relay in the switch. Of course I had to order the prart, but in the mean time I used some alligator clips to reverse the switch and make the window go back up.

Step 6: Unplug

Unplug the switches.

Step 7: Remove He Plastic Cover

remove the plasic face plate covering the switch.

Step 8: Remove the Switch.

unscrew the switch.

Step 9: Test It

plug in your switch, make sure it works. if it does reverse the steps you are done.