Introduction: Replacing Thermal Paste
replacing thermal paste can be a solution to a pc not displaying a picture or randomly rebooting due to dried u thermal paste allowing airflow from the PC's heatsink to the CPU. Thermal paste's main job is to block airflow from the heatsink to the CPU to maximize heat transfer. If the thermal paste that's holding your heatsink on your CPU has dried up, keep reading to find out how to replace it. All of the PC parts involved in this process are the CPU or central processing unit, which, a crucial part of a computer that controls and executes operations, the heatsink and fan, which absorbs unwanted heat, and of course the thermal paste, which prevents heat flow and maximizes heat transfer.
Step 1: Removing Old Dry Thermal Paste
The first step to replacing Thermal paste is simple enough, removing the old thermal paste. to do so you need to to obviously unscrew the heatsink and remove it, and then rub alcohol on the bottom until the old thermal paste is completely removed. For a visual example of how to do these two things, what the two videos above.
Step 2: Removing and Applying New Thermal Paste
The video above shows you the process of removing thermal paste that I explained in my last slide, and the process of applying new thermal paste. to do this, simply put apply a small amount on to the CPU, and then place the heatsink back on top. Of course you will also need to then screw everything back together