Introduction: Replicator Stabilized ABS Cooling

About: I am an author and a maker. My current project is Santa's Shop. I'm working on a science fiction type book--more later. @EngineerRigsby

When I saw the MakerBot Replicator 2X with the "six sided enclosure for stabilized abs cooling," I knew I needed that for my machine.

I've closed off the sides with paper and duct tape before, but never the top. 

Using cardboard and duct tape, I've created a "lid" that lets me test "extruding" with an enclosure (before I go to the effort of building something pretty out of acrylic). 

Preliminary tests indicate at least 20 degrees F higher temperature with the lid.

Step 1:

I started with a 17 inch by 3 inch piece of cardboard for the upper rear.

Step 2:

As you can see, my thoughts and my measurements didn't produce the correct result.

That's the nice thing about cardboard--next step.

Step 3:

I just cut out a little more and things look better.

Step 4:

I found a box that was 17 inches long and I cut it down to 6 inches in height.

Step 5:

I cut the two front sides to open up the box.

Step 6:

With duct tape, I added my first piece to the box and secured a couple of "wobbly" spots.

Step 7:

Next, I cut a 6 inch strip, bent it and added it to the box with duct tape.

Step 8:

I had to add another little piece to complete the enclosure.

Step 9:

I'll have to see if this improves the pulling and cracking on big builds, but it does look hopeful!

UP! Contest

Participated in the
UP! Contest

Cardboard and Duct Tape Contest

Participated in the
Cardboard and Duct Tape Contest