Introduction: Resize Pajama Pants
Short Story of Resize Pajama Pants
To read full story behind it, visit above link :)
Step 1: How Old Pajama Looks Like?
It has 44 Inch Length and Now I am converted into 36 Inch.
Step 2: What I Am Going to Do?
I am going to follow few steps.
Step 3: How I Am Going to Do This?
I will get rid of upper part(waistband area), and make it concrete waistband without passing tape. Take a PJ of 36” and do cutting according to it. Points of work given below:
Steps to Resize Pajama Pant:
Step 1: Lay down old PJ and then use desire size PJ (in my case 36”). For convenience mark points by chalk and do cutting. Use medium Scissor.
Step 4: Step 2: Now We Need Some Important Things Here.
A Thread, try to find same color thread in your old thread box. I have found pink one.
Step 5: Elastic for Tighten Waistband
2. Use Elastic for tighten Waistband (I like it n a fixed way)
Step 6: Final Cutting Piece
3. A final Cutting Piece of 36 INCH
Step 7: Step 3: Start Sewing
- First Sew Hipline of both front and back and it looks like below:
Sew Inseam from one leg bottom to other bottom.
Step 8: Sew Waistband With Elastic.
Sew Waistband with Elastic. First seam along waistband hemline with Elastic fold support it.
Related Post: How to Sew Elastic Waistband
Step 9: Fold Waist Band in Final Step
Fold Waist band in final step and fold it and sew at end.
Step 10: Final Look
Done!!! I am happy with output. Nothing gonna waist.