Introduction: Retropie - Ultimate DIY Console

About: I'm 12 and my hobbies are: Arduino/Raspberry Pi, Coding, and playing video games (Borderlands 2)

In this tutorial, I will explain how to setup a Raspberry Pi with Retropie to make the greatest console ever.

Retropie is capable of playing games for everything from NES to Playstation Portable. Look on under emulators for the full list. It's like a NES classic edition that can also play N64!

HOURS of fun!

Step 1: Materials

You will need:

1. Raspberry Pi (3 has best performance) Buy it,, The Pi Hut

2. Micro USB power cable. Either wall outlet or USB. (My TV has a USB plugin so I can power it from that) Heres some

3. HDMI cable. (You probably already have one) Amazon Basics

4. Micro SD card. (16 GB is a good size)

5. USB micro SD card reader.

6. And of course a USB controller! NES,, N64

Step 2: Download Software and Stuff

You will need to download Etcher to copy stuff to SD card, Retropie disk image, and whatever games you want. (More on that later)

Etcher: Downloadable for Windows, Mac and Linux

Retropie: Click on the download link for the Raspberry Pi you have and save the file.

Games: The rules about downloading games for Retropie... aren't exactly clear. Just search for the game you want and download it from one of the websites. !MAKE SURE TO USE A

Step 3: Burn Retropie to SD Card

Launch Etcher. Click "Select image". Then find wherever you installed Retropie and click open. Make sure the micro SD card is plugged into a micro SD card reader. Then press "Flash" Then play until it finishes : )

Step 4: Setting Up Hardware

Plug the micro SD card into your Raspberry Pi, and plug the HDMI cable in too, along with the USB controller.

Plug the other end of the HDMI cable into your TV/monitor. Then, either use a USB cable to power it from your TV or a wall outlet one. Onward to next step!

Step 5: Configuring Retropie

Plug in the Pi to power and turn on the TV. When a box pops up saying "Gamepad detected" press and hold a button on your controller. Then configure what you want the controls to be. Next, plug in your USB drive and wait for 10 seconds. Plug it into your computer and double click on the newly created folder "retropie". Then double click on "roms". Say you have Tetris for the Gameboy. You would open the folder called "gb", short for Gameboy, and copy/paste the file in. Then, you plug the USB drive back into the Raspberry Pi and wait 20 seconds for the files to be copied over. Next step: PLAYING GAMES!

Step 6: Playing the Games

Finished! Now you have a DIY console for every retro game you could want! Also, if you found this helpful please vote for this instructible! The pictures are of Legend Of Zelda for the NES, Mario Kart 64 for the N64, and Legend Of Zelda: Link To The Past. These are only a few of MANY games you can play!

Once you are in a game, press the button assigned to 'start' and 'select' at the same time to quit the game. While the game is launching, you can press any button and mess around with options in there.

If you need any help or have a question, post it in the comments or look on: or, you could just use the interweb.