Introduction: Reuse-Me Produce Bags

Fill Me. Empty Me. Reuse Me.

Simple steps to guide you through the construction of a reusable bag perfect for grabbing produce at the market or grocery store.

At Etsy, here:

Step 1: Set Up

- Two 17" x 13" Rectangle of Mesh Fabric, Netting, or Tulle
- 30" Length of String or Cording
- Thread
- (Optional) Toggle

- Scissors
- Ruler or Measuring Tape
- Straight Pins
- Safety Pin
- Sewing Machine

Mosquito netting available for order from Seattle Fabrics works great!

Wash your material before starting the project. Most Nettings can be washed in a machine, but not thrown in the dryer.

Step 2: Round Corners

For illustrative purposes, the Simple Steps for making your own Reuse Me Produce Bag will be shown using colored cotton fabric rather than white Netting, as the Netting is difficult to see clearly.

Green indicates the Right side of the fabric. Yellow indicates the Wrong side of the fabric.

A. Make sure your Netting is cut into two 17" by 13" rectangles.

B. Lay out one of the Netting rectangles and place a glass near the upper right corner, as shown.

C. Lightly trace a line around the glass.

D. Use your scissors to trim the corners, using the traced line as a guide.

E. Repeat with second rectangle.

Step 3: Pin and Sew

A. Pin the two rectangles with right sides together, along the sides and the rounded bottom edge.

B. Measure down 3/4" from the straight top edge, along one of the sides and make a mark.

C. Measure down another 1/4" and make another mark (1" from the top edge"). Eventually, the cording will be strung through the space between these two marks.

D. Following a 3/8" seam allowance, begin to sew the two pieces together. As you begin, sew down 3/4" which should be where you have marked your cord hole. Backtack and trim thread.

E. Begin a new seam at the second cord hole mark. Do not sew between the marks! Continue stitching all the way around the pieces.

F. Trim seams to 1/4".

Step 4: Zig Zag

A. Continue with right sides together and return to sewing machine. Lay your seam in the center of the presser foot and press the seam open with your fingers.

B. Using a wide and tight zig-zag stitch on your machine, sew the seam open all the way around the bag. Be sure you do not sew between the marks for the cord hole!

Step 5: Cord Casing

A. Fold 1/4" down from the right side to the wrong side (or outside to the inside) and pin.

B. Baste (sew using the largest stitch length) the folded edge down.

C. Fold another 1/2" down from the right side to the wrong side and pin. This should cover any raw edges. Be sure that the hole for the cord remains on the right side of the bag and is not folded inward.

D. Using a wide and tight zig-zag stitch, sew the down last fold, making sure to catch both the fold and the main piece in the zig-zag stitch. Once completed, you will have a casing through which to run the cording.

Step 6: Run Cording and Finish

A. Attach a safety pin to an end of the cording. Run the safety pin into the casing and slide along until it comes out the other side.

B. Thread the ends of the cording through the toggle and tie together.

C. Now you can use and reuse your new produce bag.