Introduction: Reuse Old Fax As a Plotter

You need take apart old fax machine, I don't have any photo of it before tear-down.

mine have 2 stepper motors

1 that move printer head, other move paper.

Step 1: Z Azis

my Z axis is a floppy drive that I cut in half and hot glue it on carriage.

Step 2: ​Assembly Hardware Part

Video is on Russian, I will add annotation to it soon.

1 arduino UNO

3 modules for stepper motors L298N

1 power supply 7.5v 1A

Step 3: Wiring

each motor module have 4 signals, Vin and 4 connectors for bi-polar stepper motor.
so arduino pins 2,3,4,5 goes to 1 steper

modue 6,7,8,9 second

and 10,11,12,13 -> third it must be Z motor

Step 4: Now the Fun Part, (software)

Software I copy pasted from this article

More information about the Mini CNC Plotter here (german, sorry):

My modification is on github


Software to send gcode:

I hope you like my tutorial, if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!