Introduction: Reuse Old Light Bulb - LED

About: Since I was 6 years I have disassembled old video players and built them in to something new, to the joy and frustration of my parents! I was 13 when I got my first car and 14 when I got my second.
In this Instructable I`ll show you how to reuse old lightboulb to make them "run on" LED.


Step 1: Gather Materials/tools

Look on the photo to see what you need! 

Step 2: Wiering

Step 3: Making Place for the LED and Mount It

Step 4: Mount To...

This is where the string and eye screw is used !

Step 5: The END --- TADA!!!

Thanks for looking!! 

Questions, constructive criticism and criticism is very welcome! :) 

I hope you enjoyed this instructable!