Introduction: Ribbed Sewn Bind Off (in the Round) Knitting Tutorial

About: Avid knitter, crocheter, and sewist of 20+ years

This tutorial is how to bind off your 1x1 ribbed knitting project in the round by sewing with a tapestry needle, resulting in a tidy and super stretchy opening. The example shown is a fingerless glove, but it is also great for finishing sleeve cuffs, applied collars, sweater bottoms, anything in 1x1 rib.


-Yarn and knitting needles required from pattern

-Tapestry needle

Step 1: Cut Yarn

Cut your working yarn at least 3-4x the length of the edge you are binding. Round up to ensure enough yarn to bind off and weave in ends. Thread yarn onto tapestry needle.

Step 2: Set Up Pt 1

Insert tapestry needle into the first knit stitch purlwise (from back to front). Pull yarn through.

Step 3: Set Up Pt 2

With yarn in back, insert tapestry needle between the first knit stitch and the first purl stitch from back to front, then through the purl stitch knitwise (from front to back). Pull yarn through.

Step 4: Begin Repeat

Insert tapestry needle knitwise into first (knit) stitch, pull yarn through and drop the stitch off the knitting needle. 

Step 5:

With yarn in front, skip over the next purl stitch and insert tapestry needle purlwise into next knit stitch. Pull yarn through.

Step 6:

With yarn still in front, insert tapestry needle purlwise through the skipped purl stitch and drop it off the knitting needle. Pull yarn through.

Step 7:

With yarn in back, insert tapestry needle between the next knit stitch and the next purl stitch from back to front, then through the purl stitch knitwise. Pull yarn through.

Step 8:

Repeat steps 4-7 until you have 2 stitches left and are about to start the repeat over.

Step 9: Finishing

As in Step 4, insert tapestry needle into first (knit) stitch knitwise, pull yarn through and drop the stitch off the knitting needle.

Step 10:

With yarn in front, skip over the last purl stitch and insert tapestry needle purlwise through the right leg of the first bound off knit stitch. Pull yarn through.

Step 11:

As in Step 6, with yarn still in front, insert tapestry needle purlwise through the skipped purl stitch and drop it off the knitting needle. Pull yarn through.

Step 12:

With yarn in back, insert tapestry needle between the first bound off knit stitch and the next purl stitch from back to front, then through the first bound off purl stitch knitwise (from front to back). Pull yarn through.

Step 13:

Weave in ends and enjoy a clean and stretchy binding!