Introduction: Right Angle Drilling (Agujeree Perpendicular)
El mandril de mi nuevo torno es simple y útil, pero exige que el agujero que se hace en la pieza para atornillarla sobre el mismo esté hecho perpendicular a la superficie. Esto no es fácil de lograr si uno trabaja a mano alzada, con un taladro de mano. Hace tiempo que vengo necesitando una herramienta que me permita hacer eso con cierta seguridad. La que muestro a continuación cubre aceptablemente esa necesidad para mí, aunque no se puede llamar ni remotamente "de precisión": no confiaría en ella para hacer un arreglo en el telescopio Hubble, por ejemplo.
My new lathe's chuck is simple and useful, but requires that the hole made in the piece to screw on it is made perpendicular to the surface. This task is not easy to achieve when you work freehand with a hand drill. It has been a long time ago since I needed a tool that allows me to do that with some confidence. The following instructable shows a way to solve this, a good enogh tool for me, on an acceptable range that necessity for me, but one that you cannot not even remotely call "precision tool": I would not trust it to make a work on the Hubble telescope, for example.
My new lathe's chuck is simple and useful, but requires that the hole made in the piece to screw on it is made perpendicular to the surface. This task is not easy to achieve when you work freehand with a hand drill. It has been a long time ago since I needed a tool that allows me to do that with some confidence. The following instructable shows a way to solve this, a good enogh tool for me, on an acceptable range that necessity for me, but one that you cannot not even remotely call "precision tool": I would not trust it to make a work on the Hubble telescope, for example.
Step 1: Decidirse Y Empezar (Decide and Start)
Al principio pensé en soldar perpendicularmente un tubo de hierro en el centro de una arandela, pero eso me limitaba a usar siempre la misma medida de mecha. Para darle cierta tolerancia, decidí usar una especie de prensa-mecha, lo cual me da un rango entre 3 y 9 mm.
Todo empezó con un pequeño trozo de hierro en L, resto de trabajos anteriores. Uno de sus extremos había sido cortado a máquina, por lo cual era confiablemente en ángulo recto. Corté un trozo de unos 4 cm. A efectos de la precisión, cuanto más largo es, más confiable el resultado, pero las mechas tienen una longitud que no da mucho margen para agregarles una guía.
A ese pequeño trozo de hierro ángulo le hice en el centro de cada "ala" una ranura lo suficientemente ancha como para alojar una varilla de 1/2 pulgada, y lo suficientemente profunda como para permitir a la varilla apretar una mecha contra el fondo del ángulo, pero sin debilitar demasiado el conjunto.
A la varilla de 1/2 pulgada le hice dos dobleces, para que se sostenga ella sola dentro de su alojamiento. Primero hice canales transversales con la amoladora, para facilitar el doblado. Posteriormente puse un punto de soldadura en cada extremo del doblez, para reforzar el ángulo.
At the outset I thought about perpendicularly welding an iron pipe centred on a washer, but that would limit me to use always the same drill bit’s measure. In order to give some tolerance, I decided to use some sort of "drill bit-grip" which would allow me to use different drill bits within a measure range between 3 and 9 mm.
It all started with a small L-shaped piece of iron, remnant from a previous work. One of its ends was cut with a machine, giving it quite a reliably right angle. I cut a piece of about 4 cm. For accuracy purposes, a longer piece would give more reliable results, but drill bits have a certain length which does not give much space to add a guide.
To that small iron angled piece I made a slot in the center of each "wing", wide enough to accommodate a 1/2 inch dipstick, and deep enough to allow the dipstick to tighten a drill bit against the inner angle, but without weakening too much the whole set.
I folded twice the 1/2 inch dipstick so it will hold itself into its slot. First I made transverse grooves with the grinder, to facilitate bending. Then I put a weld tack at each end of the fold, to strengthen the angle.
Todo empezó con un pequeño trozo de hierro en L, resto de trabajos anteriores. Uno de sus extremos había sido cortado a máquina, por lo cual era confiablemente en ángulo recto. Corté un trozo de unos 4 cm. A efectos de la precisión, cuanto más largo es, más confiable el resultado, pero las mechas tienen una longitud que no da mucho margen para agregarles una guía.
A ese pequeño trozo de hierro ángulo le hice en el centro de cada "ala" una ranura lo suficientemente ancha como para alojar una varilla de 1/2 pulgada, y lo suficientemente profunda como para permitir a la varilla apretar una mecha contra el fondo del ángulo, pero sin debilitar demasiado el conjunto.
A la varilla de 1/2 pulgada le hice dos dobleces, para que se sostenga ella sola dentro de su alojamiento. Primero hice canales transversales con la amoladora, para facilitar el doblado. Posteriormente puse un punto de soldadura en cada extremo del doblez, para reforzar el ángulo.
At the outset I thought about perpendicularly welding an iron pipe centred on a washer, but that would limit me to use always the same drill bit’s measure. In order to give some tolerance, I decided to use some sort of "drill bit-grip" which would allow me to use different drill bits within a measure range between 3 and 9 mm.
It all started with a small L-shaped piece of iron, remnant from a previous work. One of its ends was cut with a machine, giving it quite a reliably right angle. I cut a piece of about 4 cm. For accuracy purposes, a longer piece would give more reliable results, but drill bits have a certain length which does not give much space to add a guide.
To that small iron angled piece I made a slot in the center of each "wing", wide enough to accommodate a 1/2 inch dipstick, and deep enough to allow the dipstick to tighten a drill bit against the inner angle, but without weakening too much the whole set.
I folded twice the 1/2 inch dipstick so it will hold itself into its slot. First I made transverse grooves with the grinder, to facilitate bending. Then I put a weld tack at each end of the fold, to strengthen the angle.
Step 2: La Base (the Base)
Como base para la herramienta usé otro trozo de hierro de rezago, en forma de U cuadrada. Le hice un agujero de 12mm en lo que luego sería la placa de apoyo, para lo cual primeramente hice un agujero piloto de 5mm.
Luego le hice otro agujero de 12mm en un lateral, al cual le soldé por el lado de adentro de la U una tuerca, previamente ubicada y apretada en su lugar.
As a base for the tool I used another piece of wasted iron, U-square-shaped. I made a 12mm hole in what would become the support plate, for which first I made a 5mm pilot hole.
Then I made another 12mm hole in the lateral side, welding a nut to the inner side of the U, the nut previously placed and tightened it in place.
Luego le hice otro agujero de 12mm en un lateral, al cual le soldé por el lado de adentro de la U una tuerca, previamente ubicada y apretada en su lugar.
As a base for the tool I used another piece of wasted iron, U-square-shaped. I made a 12mm hole in what would become the support plate, for which first I made a 5mm pilot hole.
Then I made another 12mm hole in the lateral side, welding a nut to the inner side of the U, the nut previously placed and tightened it in place.
Step 3: Armado (assembling)
Soldé el conjunto prensamecha a la base, con dos puntos de soldadura solamente, para poder corregir el ángulo si fuera necesario. A la varilla del prensa-mecha le soldé una arandela para alojar el extremo del tornillo que la aprieta, para evitar que este se desplace de su lugar. Armé todo el conjunto, agregando una contratuerca para poder apretar suavemente pero con firmeza la mecha en su alojamiento. Finalmente hice un agujero y soldé otra tuerca en el ala que quedó libre de la base, para poder sujetarla con un tornillo o con el mango de la amoladora.
I welded the "press-drill bit" set to the base, with only two welding tacks, so the angle could be corrected if necessary. To the dipstick of the "press-drill bit" I welded a washer, to hold the end of the tightening screw, to prevent it from shifting out of place. I assembled the entire set, adding a nut in order to be able to tighten gently, but firmly, the drill bit in its lodging. Finally I made a hole and welded another nut at the wing that was left out of the base, to be able to hold it with a screw or the grinder's handle.
I welded the "press-drill bit" set to the base, with only two welding tacks, so the angle could be corrected if necessary. To the dipstick of the "press-drill bit" I welded a washer, to hold the end of the tightening screw, to prevent it from shifting out of place. I assembled the entire set, adding a nut in order to be able to tighten gently, but firmly, the drill bit in its lodging. Finally I made a hole and welded another nut at the wing that was left out of the base, to be able to hold it with a screw or the grinder's handle.
Step 4: En La Cancha Se Ven Los Pingos (testing the Perpendicularity)
Para probar la perpendicularidad no es necesario hacer un agujero, simplemente se coloca una mecha apretada en la herramienta, se pone esta en el taladro y se la hace girar. Visualmente se puede apreciar si hay desviaciones significativas.
Para usar la herramienta, la mecha no debe estar apretada con el tornillo, debe poder girar libremente pero no tan floja que se incline. Se ajusta la mecha en el taladro, se apoya la herramienta con firmeza sobre la superficie a agujerear, sujetándola por el mango asegurándose de que haga contacto plano, y se hace el agujero.
In order to test its’ perpendicularity, it is not necessary to make a hole, simply place a drill bit tightened on the tool, put this in the drill and spin it. Visually you would be able to notice if there are any significant deviations.
To use the tool, the drill bit must not be tightened with the screw, it should rotate freely, but not so loose that it would tilt. Adjust the bit in the drill, holding firmly the tool against the surface to be drilled, grasping the handle, ensuring a flat contact, and drill the hole.
Para usar la herramienta, la mecha no debe estar apretada con el tornillo, debe poder girar libremente pero no tan floja que se incline. Se ajusta la mecha en el taladro, se apoya la herramienta con firmeza sobre la superficie a agujerear, sujetándola por el mango asegurándose de que haga contacto plano, y se hace el agujero.
In order to test its’ perpendicularity, it is not necessary to make a hole, simply place a drill bit tightened on the tool, put this in the drill and spin it. Visually you would be able to notice if there are any significant deviations.
To use the tool, the drill bit must not be tightened with the screw, it should rotate freely, but not so loose that it would tilt. Adjust the bit in the drill, holding firmly the tool against the surface to be drilled, grasping the handle, ensuring a flat contact, and drill the hole.