Introduction: Ring Clock

Hi, My name is Dan. I will be teaching you how to make a clock I designed in onshape for 8th grade. This clock has about 72 3d printable parts. It is in military time. I intend to make this Instrucable more clear as i go on and even redo it if i have to, if you get confused when trying to make a ring clock for yourself please comment so I can edit the inscrutable to make it clearer.

You will need:

- .15 inch steel rod and a way to cut it (I used a table saw and a metal cutting blade)

- 60 rpm motor Link: The motor I used may be out of stock. The motors linked are the correct shape for the motor mount.

- 6 screws that fit the screw holes in the motor

- 2 part epoxy

- A 3d printer

- Masking Tape

- Loctite gel control

This is a work in progress, I expect to have this finished by Sunday August 5, 2018.

Step 1: Go Print Out All the Parts.

It is very important that the printed parts do not warp. Especially the gears, most of the gears rub up against each other so and warping can cause gears to get caught in other gears. The rings also should not have any warping of the may not fit in their holders. When I was printing some of my parts I would get holes in them, This often means that it doesn't have enough infill and or enough top solid layers.

Link to my thingiverse posts - (don't print out the previews)

Group1 :

Group2 :

Group3 :

Group4 :

Group5 :

SmallRing :

BigRing :

MegaRing :

You will need to print out 2 big and small rings, and one mega ring.

The most important part of this step is keeping all the parts from a group in the same group. I will be using these groups to build the clock.

When I was making this instructable my printer got damaged so I did not have all the rings with me.

Step 2: Assemble Motor

So get out your 6 screws, motor, screw driver, and motor holder. Aline the motor and the holder and screw in one screw. Then another one, and another one, until all 6 screws are in

Step 3: Assemble Group1

Get your tape and parts from group1. Assemble according to the pictures. Any parts that were not used should be kept with their groups.

Step 4: Assemble Group2

Get your tape and parts from group2 and assembled parts from group1. Assemble according to the pictures. Any parts that were not used should be kept with their groups.

Step 5: Assemble Group3

Get your tape and parts from group3 and assembled parts from group1 and 2. Assemble according to the pictures. Any parts that were not used should be kept with their groups. Don't edit the build becuase of the last pic, I messed up and redid some pictures.

Step 6: Assemble Group4

Get your tape and parts from group4 and assembled parts from group1, 2, and 3. Assemble according to the pictures. Any parts that were not used should be kept with their groups.

Step 7: Assemble Group5

Get your tape and parts from group5 and assembled parts from group1, 2, 3, and 4. Assemble according to the pictures. Any parts that were not used should be kept with their groups.