Introduction: 'Rita Shaker'

This project comes as a result of an assignment for the final three weeks of my Junior Physics Lab at the University of New Mexico. We were tasked with developing a project that utilized the Arduino Uno Rev 3. It could be an improvement of a preexisting project or a creation of a new one. It was suggested that we work on something that would benefit us in some way.

Now, I work as a bartender and Chili's Grille & Bar, and I can attest that there are moments where I am simply overwhelmed by the  vast number of margaritas I have to make, many of which are hand shaken. I've always dreamed of having a device that could do this shaking for me. This project was the perfect opportunity to do this. The instructions posted here are for a prototype and hopefully I will be updating them as I improve my design over the summer. The process I took in developing this 'Rita Shaker' can be found at my Open Science Journal.

The code for this project can be found here.

The supplies needed are as follows:

* Increaser Reducer 3"-4"                                                     $ 2.27  Home Depot
* Short Bolt w/ Nut (8 pack)                                                   $  .98  Home Depot
* Eye Bolt w/ Nut 8-32 X 1-58 (2)                                          $  .98 Home Depot
* Mini Bungee Clip Strip (8 pack)                                         $ 2.47  Home Depot
* 1-1/2" Flex Qwick Cap                                                         $ 2.90  Home Depot
* Cull Lumber                                                                          $ 1.02  Home Depot
* Aluminum Ruler (2)                                                             $ 2.19  Office Depot
* Futaba S3003 Servo Standard (2)                                   $10.99
* Microtivity Push-and-Lock Button Switch (8 Pack)        $ 6.49
* Wall Adapter Power Supply - 9VDC 650 mA                  $ 6.95
* Arduino Uno Rev 3 Starter Kit                                           $36.99
          Arduino Uno Rev 3
          3' USB Cable
          Solderless Breadboard
          65 Jumper Wires
          Breadboard Holder
* Chili's Presidente Margarite Shaker   $ 2.00 Chili's Grille & Bar