Introduction: Ritz-y Tote

About: I'm a maker. I like the challenge of re-using discarded materials or using common objects/materials to create something intriguing and visually interesting . Cardboard is a go-to material. Bonus: if I can also…

Make this stylish graphic tote after you've enjoyed a box of Ritz crackers. You can use this process on other boxes of course but I like the bold graphic of the iconic Ritz logo.

Step 1: Materials Needed

  • Empty Ritz box (12.9 oz box)
  • 1 3/4" x 19 1/2" piece of foamcore (I used black/blackcore)
  • X-acto knife or other cutting tool
  • Straight edge
  • White glue
  • Pop Rivet tool
  • Pop Rivets
  • 1 1/2" Grograin Ribbon (I used 43")
  • Optional
    • Workable Fixative

Step 2: Cut Down the Box - Keep the Lower Part

  • Cut the Ritz box 5 1/2" from the top edge
  • Save the lower part of the box
  • Cut away parts of the corners of the lower part of the box
  • Create the bottom of the tote by inserting the lower part of the box into the top part using white glue

Step 3: Foamcore Insert

  • Fold the foamcore to match the corners of the box
  • Insert from the top with white glue
  • Trim the foamcore so that it is flush with the top edge of the box

Step 4: Spray With Workable Fixative

This is an optional step but if you have some Workable Fixable around it helps the durability of the tote and gives it a nice finish.

Step 5: Attach the Strap

  • Using the pop rivet tool attach the strap with pop rivets
  • Place the strap between the box and the foamcore insert

Step 6: Done!