Introduction: Riverboard

About: I LOVE airsoft, my main occupation is school, favorite color is orange. Im pretty dang good at airsoft.

This is my riverboard, i made it.
Its really easy to make 1. cut it out of a board 2. sand it 3. fiberglass it 4. paint it 5. put grips on it.
I sell them if your interested-i can customize it however you want it.
How to use it-1. buy a wakeboarding rope and handle 2. tie the rope to the board 3. tie the other end to a tree or rock 4. step on it move right put more weight on your right foot. to move left put more weight on your left foot. 6. do tricks(jumping it, diving underwater, riding it backwards, riding with three people on it-i have done all of these and more)
You can ride standing up,kneeling, or laying down,or sitting i have done that too. its fun for all ages and pretty easy(our youngest rider was 2 and our oldest was 47ish)
 Please comment and tell me what you think or if you are interested in buying one.