Introduction: Roasted Hot Pepper Sauce (original Recipe)

About: I'm an experimentalist, a scientist and I have a tendency to do things just for the sake of doing them, or to find out what they're like. I love life, show me something I can feel good about. I've got an ho…
I used to go through a lot of Encona, a bottle a week or more.
Having a local supply of chiilies I started making my own, but it never tasted like Encona - just better.
Original experiment here:
This Instructable shows how to make an original recipe hot pepper sauce.
Ideal with chicken, meat, fish, or to add a touch of tropical spice to any meal.

Step 1: Ingerdients

The masses are what I used, they should be taken as rough guides.

Scotch Bonnet chilies - 225g
Brown sugar - 50g
Salt - 50 g
Garlic - 20g
Mustard flour - 10 g
Turmeric - 1/2 teaspoon
Cumin - 1/2 teaspoon
Cornflour - 2 desert spoons
Vinegar - 500ml

You can substitue or omit anything but the chillies. If you don't use these chillies it will not taste the same.

Step 2: Roast

Put the chillies and garlic in a hot oven and cook until the chillies are very well browned. This smells fantastic, so make sure you are in the kitchen while it is happening.
Remove the stalks from the chilies and chop roughly.
For a milder sauce, remove the seeds and cores, and just use the outer parts.
Than combine everything with half a litre of vinegar, and boil for 10 minutes.

The final step is to blend until smooth, and pour into bottles

*It's that simple*

Step 3: Verdict

When I tasted this I uttered much strong language, along the lines of "'kin eh! that's a hot sauce." And it's a good hot sauce.
That's my opinion, and that's why I make the stuff
