Introduction: Arduino Controlled Robot Lawnmower - Ultrasonic and RGB Sensors ( Arduino 控制機器割草機 - 超聲波和RGB傳感器)- Howard Taylor Robot Lawnmower - YouTube
Tired of cutting the grass... so, developed a robot lawnmower!
Infinite detail on YouTube...
The whole playlist
Introduction to the Channle
Part 30 of the lawnmower project - cutting grass!
Step 1: All the Parts... 所有零件
Here's a description of all the parts
- Arduino Mega Arduino Mega 2560
- Motors
- Ultrasound sensors
- RGB sensor
- OLED display
- Lithium ion batteries
- Wheels
- Wood
- 控制板
- 馬達
- 超聲波傳感器
- RGB傳感器
- 有機發光二極體顯示器
- 鋰離子電池
- 輪子
- 木板
Step 2: Attach Wheels to Motors 將車輪連接到馬達
Attaching the wheels to the motors was tough going... 將車輪安裝到馬達上是費勁的...
Step 3: Making the Chassis 製作底盤
Here is the chassis made from wood and the first test of it moving around
Step 4: Fitting the Electronics 安裝電子產品
Planning and fitting the computer and sensors was tough going...
Step 5: Modifications... 修改.......
Had to change the wheels out
Step 6: When It Finally Cut Grass! 當它終於可以割草!
Testing was great fun... and when it finally cut grass! Whoop whoop!
非常有趣的測試...且當它終於可以割草! 哇!