Introduction: Robotic Arm From Cardboard

About: Founder of Guy who always try to make innovative projects,check out what i made in my instructable..

In this Instructable ill show you how to make a robotic arm from cardboard

Bonus Tip: Check for much more interesting content

Step 1: Video Tutorial

Missing out something? This video shows how to make a robotic arm from cardboard..Continue reading...

Step 2: Gathering Materials

  • Cardboard
  • Plastic tubes(i used empty pencil refills)
  • Cutter

Step 3: Getting Shape

  • To get the shape of the arm,hand is placed on the cardboard and traced
  • Cutter is used to cut the cardboard

Step 4: Bends

For each finger three bends are made exact at the same distance

Step 5: Building Links

  • For the links ive used empty tubes
  • It is placed in between the bends of cardboard
  • Threads are placed in between the tubes

Step 6: Finishing Up

  • Cardboard rings are made so that the threads can be controlled by fingers
  • Cardboard rings are made by cutting cardboard strips then joining two ends

Step 7: Robotic Arm Is Ready

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