Introduction: Rock Band Drum Pad Repair

About: Husband, Father, Educator, Facilitator, Nerd.
Continuing the tradition of quick, cheap, easy repairs of Rock Band and Guitar Hero instruments, we present the repair of a drum trigger that doesn't respond (or responds only to really hard hits).

Step 1: Remove the Drum Pad

As long as nothing is actually broken or disconnected, it's likely that the piezoelectric sensor is just not getting squeezed enough to trigger a hit.

Pull off the drum pad (four rubber pointy things hold each in place), but be careful not to pull out the wires. For more information about removing the pad, check either of the links above. It should look something like this when removed.

Step 2: Make It More Sensitive.

To make sure the piezoelectric sensor will register a hit, cut a piece of an eraser (or similar material) and put it between the spring and the rubber that rests against the piezoelectric material.

Replace the two screws that you removed earlier, test it, and reassemble.