Introduction: Rockband Kick Pedal Kill Switch!

About: Full time student in the Industrial Electrical Tech program. Wanna be redneck, driving my 93 ford ranger 4x4. Back yard mechanic... well heated garage mechanic in the winter. Avid DIYer, off road newbie. I…
Well... a week ago I was jammin with my friend and he said he was going to make a foot activated kill switch and I asked him why no use a rockband kick pedal, and so I proceeded to make this 'ible.

Step 1: Parts List

1.small project box
2.1/4inch guitar jacks
1.1/8inch headphone jack
some wire
rock band kick pedal

soldering iron
side cutters
hot glue gun

Step 2: Drill Holes

Drill holes in each side of the box for the 1/4inch jack and one smaller one for the 1/8inch jack in the top of the box.

Step 3: Soderin' Time!

Basically just hook the signal lugs on each 1/4 inch jack together and do the same for the ground wire. then with a handy wire stripper, strip the middle of each wire and hook I the 1/8inch jack in the middle.

Step 4: Put 'er All Together

take the electronics and put them in the project box. my 1/8inch jack wasn't a thread in kind so I had to hot glue in the 1/8inch jack, but the other two were held on by nuts.