Introduction: Rockband Kick Pedal Kill Switch!
Well... a week ago I was jammin with my friend and he said he was going to make a foot activated kill switch and I asked him why no use a rockband kick pedal, and so I proceeded to make this 'ible.
Step 1: Parts List
1.small project box
2.1/4inch guitar jacks
1.1/8inch headphone jack
some wire
rock band kick pedal
soldering iron
side cutters
hot glue gun
1.small project box
2.1/4inch guitar jacks
1.1/8inch headphone jack
some wire
rock band kick pedal
soldering iron
side cutters
hot glue gun
Step 2: Drill Holes
Drill holes in each side of the box for the 1/4inch jack and one smaller one for the 1/8inch jack in the top of the box.
Step 3: Soderin' Time!
Basically just hook the signal lugs on each 1/4 inch jack together and do the same for the ground wire. then with a handy wire stripper, strip the middle of each wire and hook I the 1/8inch jack in the middle.
Step 4: Put 'er All Together
take the electronics and put them in the project box. my 1/8inch jack wasn't a thread in kind so I had to hot glue in the 1/8inch jack, but the other two were held on by nuts.