Introduction: Romantic Tennis Ball Rose/tullip

A rose Made out of a tennis ball and wire that can be filled with candy or a small gift

Step 1: Supplies

ok what you need is
*red/black magic markers
*Tennis Ball
*green wire*not shown* or a dowel
*Razor blade*be careful*

Step 2: Color

ok now you take your red marker and color your tennis ball all red and let it dry the ink has to soak in to the tennis ball

Step 3: Color and Cut

Color where you are going to cut with the black marker or do it by hand if your feeling saucy. and take a sharp razor (it cuts cleaner) and then cut below the black lines. i found its best to draw where i was going to cut about 3/4 of the way up or more.

Step 4: Stem

take a dowel and paint it green and poke a small hole in the bottem of your flower and push it through and hot glue it on the other side. (i took wire and made a wire stem by twisting it until it could hold the tennis ball also i added a little leaf)