Introduction: Rotating Concrete Lamp From Coke Cans

About: do things to kill time

The way the lamp works is based on the physical law of buoyancy discovered by Archimedes. In simple terms, Archimedes's principle states that there's always an upward force pushing on a partially or fully immersed body in a static fluid. It's called buoyancy force. And this force is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body.

When the light bulb is turned on, air inside the can is heated up. The air molecules move faster and away causing density to decrease. Hot air becomes lighter and so is its displacement. It moves upward and escapes through the opening while pushing on the fans/wings on the top causing the can to rotate.

Step 1: Remove the Top

I just stick sandpaper to a piece of wood using spray adhesive to make sanding easier

Step 2: Tube to Attach Candelabra Socket

Non-rusted materials such as PVC, brass, stainless steel, etc. are preferred for the attachment. The one I have is 1/2 inch in diameter. The length we need is about 5 inches. It's best for the socket to fit tightly inside so that we don't need to use any glue.

Step 3: Prep the Base - Tube

Drill a hole large enough for the tube. If you don't have a drill bit big enough, use pliers or anything you can find to make the hole bigger. Push from inside out.

Step 4: Prep the Base - Legs

    We need 8 bicycle spokes for the legs. Shape them however you want but star bending at least 6 inches away from the J bend on top. Wrap your bending tool with paper+tape to avoid scratching the paint off.

Step 5: Prep the Base - Top Pole

    This silver bicycle spoke will act like a pole for the top to rest on while it rotates.

Step 6: Prep the Base - Tube+legs+pole

    Hot glue tube+legs+pole to the can

Step 7: Pour the Concrete

Before pouring, cover the tube so nothing gets inside. We want it to be as clean as possible.

Step 8: Prep the Top

    Cut 8 slots on the can...equal spaces between the slots. Shape the slots into "fans" (see last pic). Depend on the way you pry the slots, the can will rotate differently. Mine will rotate from right to left.

    Find the center with a coin then drill a hole and epoxy a pushpin.

Step 9: The Art of Poking

Find a piece of art you like, print it out and slap on the can. Note the height of the image can not be higher than 4.25 inches. Use a sewing needle to carefully poke holes along the line art. When done, either spray paint it or sand off the paint if you like the bare aluminum look.

Step 10: Low Friction Dome and Levelers

Make a dome shape using any suitable tool you can find as long as it's not too sharp. The aluminum is quite thin. Epoxy the dome on a "nipple" and screw it onto the silver pole. Screw 8 more on to the legs.

Step 11: Wiring Up

Run the cable from the bottom through the tube before wire the leads to the socket. Use heat shrink tube for safety.

Step 12: Result

Turn on the light to warm up then put the can with image on top, push pin rests on the dome. It'll start spinning!