Introduction: Rubik's Cube Valentine Box

Simple Rubik's Cube Valentine Box.

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies.

For this fun project you will need:

square cardboard box

black duct tape

red, blue, yellow, orange, white, and green colored paper


paper cutter



Step 2: Add Duct Tape to the Box

Using the black duct tape, tape the box up as shown. Be sure to tape all edges. Carefully cut out one square on top of the box to receive your Valentine treasures.

Step 3: Cut Out Squares of Colored Paper and Glue.

Cut out your squares of paper, you will need 9 squares of each color. If possible, use a paper cutter to make straight, even squares. Now randomly glue all of your colored squares around your Rubik's Cube box.

Step 4: You Are Done!

Have a Happy Valentine's Day!