Introduction: Rythmic/Music Reactive LED

About: love tinkering with arduino ,hardware programming ,home automation, waste to treasure, Art and craft, DIY

Arduino based music reactive/Rythmic light using sound sensor and 2812B RGB Strip

Dancing LED which changes color of different level of sound


  1. Arduino UNO or NODE MCU
  2. Sound Sensor(With analog output)
  3. 2812B RGB Strip
  4. Adafruit 28812B Library
  5. Adapter(5v or 12V) for Power

Step 1: Connection and Sketch

Connect all 3 as shown in Pitcure

Adjust the screw of sound sensor (rotate anti-clock wise until you get output of 190-199 at no sound level)

Sketch is attached

Step 2: Setup Around Television and Alexa