Introduction: S-K-E Book Designer: Sewing, Knitting, Embroidery

About: Founder of Capstone-X | Electrical & Communication Engineer💡

S-K-E Book is the shortcut word of sewing, knitting, and embroidery. In this book, you will know the difference between these three domains from their definition, materials, and their different designs and forms.

Set up your equipment and go on with this S-K-E book world.

NOTE: All the contents and the work in this instructable is hand-made done by my MOM in 1975.

Step 1: Gather Your Tools and Materials

In this instructable you will need :

  • needles
  • fibers
  • yarn
  • scissor

  • fabrics
  • squared notebook
  • white rags

  • etmain fabric
  • measuring tape

Step 2: Sewing

Sewing is the craft of fastening or attaching objects using stitches made with a needle and thread. Sewing is one of the oldest of the textile arts. the most common tools used are: measuring tape, needle, thread, cloth, and sewing shears. In this theme you will know the different techniques and stitches in sewing.

Step 3: Straight Stitch 1

This is the first technique of sewing, using a needle sew the stitches but keep between each one an empty space equals to the length of it. Straight stitch is the most basic of sewing stitches, sometimes it is used to attach
two pieces of fabric together. This may sound simple, but there are some tips that will help you stitch evenly every time for the perfect bond.

Step 4: Straight Stitch 2

In this form, the stitches are made to be two long stitches separated by a small one, which gives it a decorative view.

Step 5: Overcast Stitch

In this stitch the fabric i used is in a squared form. Overcast stitch is used to both protect the raw edges of fabric and as a decorative stitch. Often called a 'whipstitch'.

Step 6: Normal Stitch

This stitch is sewed in a consecutive form without space between, and that also used in embroidery.

Step 7: Clean Sew Form 1

To apply this form you have to fold one piece of fabric, and sew the other fabric with the folded area to be completely attached as shown in the figure, also the sewing form should be one normal stitch and one straight stitch above that.

Step 8: Clean Sew Form 2

In this form, the two pieces of fabric are attached by their edges and then fold both of fabrics to sew them at the fold point.

Step 9: Clean Sew Form 3

Fold one fabric at it's edge and attach it to the other fabric by sewing a one straight stitch on both sides. and from the top of the fold sew a straight stitch from the back of the two fabric, and here you can see the purpose of the clean sew.

Step 10: Clean Sew Form 4

In the forth form just fold two fabrics and attach them at the intersection point.

Step 11: Clean Sew Form 5

Attach two pieces of fabrics by first double folding them, each one separately and then sew the folded part of each to it's own fabric and then sew them together at the folded edges.

Step 12: Clean Sew Form 6

Sew an overcast Stitch to the edge of two fabrics , then fold each one to attach them together.

Step 13: Clean Sew Form 7

In this form the sewing will be hidden as if it one piece of fabric, so fold the two pieces of fabrics and interfere them by the folded parts, then sew them from the back.

Step 14: Exercise on the Forms

Take a squared piece of fabric and fold it's edges to sew them with the other piece of fabric to complete the shape.

Step 15: Knitting

Knitting is a method by which yarn is manipulated to create a textile or fabric for use in many types of garments.
Knitting creates multiple loops of yarn, called stitches, in a line or tube. Knitting has multiple active stitches on the needle at one time. Knitted fabric consists of a number of consecutive rows of intermeshing of loops. As each row progresses, a newly created loop is pulled through one or more loops from the prior row, placed on the gaining needle, and the loops from the prior row are then pulled off the other needle.

Step 16: Tools and Materiales Needed in Knitting

needles and yarn .

Step 17: Knitting for Beginners

Try this easy method. First make a slip knot on the needle; make a yarn loop,insert the needle into the loop and draw up the yarn from the free end to make a loop on the needle. Pull the yarn ends firmly, but not too tightly to form the slip knot on the needle and This slip knot counts as your first stitch.

Step 18: Step 1 in Knitting

Hold the needle with the slip knot in your right hand and with yarn from the skein to your left. With your left hand, make a yarn loop.Insert the needle into the loop.

Step 19: Step 2 in Knitting

Still holding the loop in your left hand, with your right hand, pick up
the yarn from the skein and bring it back to front around the needle.

Step 20: Step 3 in Knitting

Bring the needle through the loop and toward you at the same time, pull gently on the yarn end to tighten the loop. Make it snug but not tight below the needle.

Then you are ready to know some designs of knitting forms in the next slides.

Step 21: Short Skirt With Prominent Stitch and Inverted Stitch

Step 22: Short Skirt With Inverted Stitch Only

Step 23: Shirt With Prominent Stitch and the Circled Dome Shape

Step 24: Shirt With Doom of 7 Shaped

Step 25: Shirt of the Chair Doom

Step 26: Decorated Shirt With Beautiful Shapes

Step 27: Trapizode Shirt Form

Step 28:

Step 29:

Step 30: Dress

Step 31:

Step 32:

Step 33: Knitting Some Nice Flowers

Step 34: Embroidery

Embroidery is the craft of decorating fabric or other materials using a needle to apply thread or yarn.

Step 35: Tools Needed for Embroidery

needles and silks

Step 36: Thick Sewed Front Embroidery Line

Step 37: Thick Back Sewed Embroidery Line

Step 38: Thin Crown

Step 39: Thick Crown

Step 40: Istanbul Stitch

Step 41: Chain Stitch

Step 42: Squared Stitch Box

Step 43: Leaf Form

Step 44: The Eye With the Waterfall Form

Step 45: Single Feather Form

Step 46: Double Feather Form

Step 47: Squares Form

Step 48: Spike Form

Step 49: Chain Form

Step 50: Small Flower Form

Step 51: Flower Form

Step 52: Alphabet Stitches on the Etmain Fabric

MA stands for Monira Amin.

Step 53: Normal Etmain Fabrics

Step 54: Gather Your Work in a Book

Step 55: S-K-E Book Has Been Finished !