Introduction: SAFETY BED
Natural disasters such as earthquake , tsunami and fire happening all around the world . Natural disasters happens and may take human life away . Therefore , this project may save your life if a natural disaster happen .
You may be wondering , how can a bed save someone's life ? This bed is no ordinary bed , it has sensors and a cover that will close the bed tightly , bringing you to a chamber filled with supplies such as oxygen , food , water , first aid kit to help you survive for at least a week . The bed can hold strong impact , protecting you safely inside .
First thing first , this bed will not close if you are not on the bed when a natural disaster occur . Can you imagine running to the bed and the bed just closed without you ? Well , I've thought of that ! The bed is installed with sensors which will sense the presence of YOU on the bed before closing .
Secondly , the bed is surrounded with material that can float on water . The bed is also installed with motors which will act as " flippers " which will help balance the bed so you could be safe in the bed .
Now you are wondering , if a fire occurred , will the fire burn the bed up ? The answer is NO , the material used to make this bed is fireproof and heat proof .
Lastly , How do you get out ? Simple ! There is a button installed in the chamber , all you have to do is push the button and the cover will open right up for you to get out .
In this tutorial , you will learn how to make a prototype safety bed !
There is a video of how the bed works , please download to watch !
Step 1: Step 1 : Gather Your Components !
You will need :
2 servo motors
4 dc motors
1 rain / water sensor
1 PIR sensor
1 flame sensor
1 vibration sensor
1 pushbutton
Some 10k resistor
2 L293d
Step 2: Step 2 : Make Your Bed Frame !
1) This bed was frame cut out and glued with hot glue but of course any box will be fine.
2) Then make a lid for the bed frame , make sure it covers the bed perfectly !
3) Make sure the bed frame is deep enough to put your connections , supply box and your bed !
4) Then add some polystyrene or anything that can float and support the whole bed surrounding the bed frame , make sure it doesn't cover the bottom part of the bed frame as there will be a water sensor attached below the bed .
Step 3: Step 3 : Connect the Servo Motors
1)The red wire of the servo should be connected to 5v on the arduino , the brown to GND and the orange to a pin . In this case I connected the orange wire to pin 8.
2)Attach it to the lid of the bed , make sure it able to control the lid to move.
Step 4: Step 4 : Connect Your Dc Motors !
1) Connect the 4 dc motors , 2 motors on each sides .
2) Since this bed needs 4 dc motors , a l293d can be used to connect the motors easier ( optional )
3) So , connect all for edges of the l293d to 5v
4) Then followed by pins . In this case I used pin 11 and pin 12 for all the dc motors
Step 5: Step 5 : Connect the Rain / Water Sensor
1) Connect the rain sensor as shown in the picture . Make sure you connect it to an analog pin . I connected it to A1
2) Attach your rain sensor to the bottom of the bed frame .
3) Cut a hole at the bottom of the bed frame that fits the rain sensor perfectly .
4) Seal the edges of the hole , make sure no water can get in .
Step 6: Step 6 : Connect Your Vibration Sensor
1) Connect one end of the vibration sensor to 5v and the other end to an analog pin . In this case I connected it to A0
2) Attach this sensor below the bed
Step 7: Step 7 : Connect Your Flame Sensor
1) Connect the "VCC" to 5v
2) Connect the "AO" to Analog pin , I used A1
3) Connect the GND
4) Install this sensor onto the bed frame
Step 8: Step 8 : Connect Your PIR Sensor
1) Connect the VCC to 5v
2) Connect the GND
3) Connect the Output to a pin. I had used pin 3 .
4) Attach it in the bed .
Step 9: Step 9 : Connect Your Buttons
1) I had used a two pin pushbutton
2) The connection of this button is simple .
3) Just connect one end of the button to 5v and the other to a resistor and then to a digital pin ( i used Pin 10 ) then to GND .
Step 10: Step 10 : Programming
int pir = 3;
int vibration = A0;
int water = A1;
int flame = A2 ;
const int sensorMin = 0; // sensor minimum
const int sensorMax = 1024;
int dc1 = 11;
int dc2 = 12;
int pushbutton = 10;
int buzzer = 7;
Servo myservo;
void setup() {
myservo.attach ( 8 );
pinMode ( pir , INPUT );
pinMode ( vibration , INPUT );
pinMode ( water , INPUT );
pinMode ( flame , INPUT );
pinMode ( dc1 , OUTPUT );
pinMode ( dc2 , OUTPUT );
pinMode ( pushbutton , INPUT );
pinMode ( buzzer , OUTPUT );
myservo.write ( 170 );
digitalWrite ( dc1 , HIGH );
digitalWrite ( dc2 , LOW );
Serial.begin ( 9600 ); }
void loop() {
int pirvalue = digitalRead ( pir );
int pbval = digitalRead ( pushbutton );
int sensorReading = analogRead(A2);
int waterlevel = analogRead ( water );
int vibrate = analogRead ( vibration );
int firerange = map(sensorReading, sensorMin, sensorMax, 0, 3); //no fire , distance fire , close fire
int waterrange = map ( waterlevel , sensorMin , sensorMax , 0 , 3); //dry , moist , wet int vibraterange = map ( vibrate , sensorMax , sensorMin , 0 , 3);//not vibrating , some shake , not vibrating
Serial.println ( pbval );
switch (firerange) { case 0: // A fire closer than 1.5 feet away. Serial.println("** Close Fire **");
if ( pirvalue == 1 ){ myservo.write ( 0 );//got fire close
digitalWrite ( buzzer , HIGH );
digitalWrite ( dc1 , LOW );
digitalWrite ( dc2 , LOW );
}else {
noTone ( buzzer );
digitalWrite ( dc1 , LOW );
digitalWrite ( dc2 , LOW );
case 1: // A fire between 1-3 feet away.
Serial.println(" Distant Fire ");
if ( pirvalue == 1 ){ myservo.write ( 0 );//got fire close
digitalWrite ( buzzer , HIGH );
digitalWrite ( dc1 , LOW );
digitalWrite ( dc2 , LOW );
}else {
noTone ( buzzer );
digitalWrite ( dc1 , LOW );
digitalWrite ( dc2 , LOW );
case 2: // No fire detected.
Serial.println("No Fire");
noTone ( buzzer );
digitalWrite ( dc1 , LOW );
digitalWrite ( dc2 , LOW );
delay ( 100 );
switch ( waterrange ){
case 0 : Serial.println ( "**Water High**" );
if ( pirvalue == 1 ){ myservo.write ( 0 );//got water close
digitalWrite ( buzzer , HIGH );
digitalWrite ( dc1 , HIGH );
digitalWrite ( dc2 , LOW );
}else {
noTone ( buzzer );
digitalWrite ( dc1 , LOW );
digitalWrite ( dc2 , LOW );
case 2 :
Serial.println ( "** Water is not detected **" );
noTone ( buzzer );
digitalWrite ( dc1 , LOW );
digitalWrite ( dc2 , LOW );
case 3 : Serial.println ( " no water is detected " );
digitalWrite ( dc1 , LOW );
digitalWrite ( dc2 , LOW );
noTone ( buzzer ) ;
break ;
delay ( 100 );
if ( vibrate > 870 ) { Serial.println ( " Detected Eartquake " );
digitalWrite ( dc1 , LOW );
digitalWrite ( dc2 , LOW );
myservo.write ( 0 );
digitalWrite ( buzzer , HIGH );
}else {
Serial.println ( vibrate) ;
digitalWrite ( dc1 , LOW );
digitalWrite ( dc2 , LOW );
noTone ( buzzer );
delay ( 100 );
if ( pbval == 1 ) {
myservo.write ( 170 );
delay ( 10000 );
noTone ( buzzer );
digitalWrite ( dc1 , LOW );
digitalWrite ( dc2 , LOW );
}else {
noTone ( buzzer );
digitalWrite ( dc1 , LOW );
digitalWrite ( dc2 , LOW );