Introduction: SD Card Extension, Support & Cover
If you have an Arduino TFT display shield with the SD card reader,
and you need each time to check or make changes to the files saved on the SD card, an extension will save your nerves and time, without removing the TFT display shield. This can be also useful for other projects like a DIY printer and many other applications. I speeded up the video so you will not get bored watching basic things, but you can pause it to read my comments if you find them useful.
Step 1: Get Some SD Card Adapters
Get at least 2 SD card adapters, as this little creatures get easily
broken you may need more than 2, I broke the casing the first time I tried to make the extension, and while doing the tutorial I broke the pin array when I twisted the slotted screw driver in the middle of the adapter.
Step 2: Open the Adapter
Insert a slotted screw driver from the micro SD card's hole, and
twist right-left, following the sides, so you don't break the pin array in the middle of the adapter. Get the array pins and save the write protection switch, to put it back later.
Step 3: Cut the Pin and Prepare Wires for Soldering
Cut out the (inner pins) twisted side of the pins, leave the pins 1-3mm long.
Get 8 wires about 30cm long. Strip the wires about 1mm from one side and 2-3mm from the other side. Tin all the striped wires with solder. Now tin the small inner pins with solder.
Step 4: Soldering the Wires-pins
Solder the wires to the small pins, and check each time(visually)
that you don't short-circuit the pins with solder, it's easy to do it now than later when you have lot of wires near each other. When you finish the soldering, use a multimeter to check that no wires are short circuited. Tin the other SD card adapter pins, there is two pins connected with each other you don't have to tin both, only 8 are used.
Step 5: Solder the Next Adapter
Put back the pin array to the housing, so you can see the order which pin goes where.
See the picture, showing the wires, and 1 that is not needed to solder. Again check the continuity, and no wire is short circuited with the one next to it. Do that check before you seal the housing, it will be hard later to open the housing and remove the glue.
Step 6: Closing the SD Card Adapter
You can use the hot glue or epoxy to do that. I tried both hot glue
and epoxy, both works but the epoxy is easier to work with here. I prefer the epoxy, because it gives you time to put correctly the casing, and by pressing you get the extra glue out from the SD card casing, the same way you fill the empty places inside by pressing and secure the pins and wires. The hot glue gets quickly hard and if it gets cold it will be hard to open the casing again, it can breaks easily, and the hardest is to get the SD card without bumps so it can fits to an SD card reader later. After closing the SD card adapter, put back the little write protection lock, you can glue it so it will not get out. Apply the hot glue and quickly press it with a flat metallic surface to get a nice protective layer for the pins. Apply also the hot glue to the hole from where the wires comes to prevent them from moving, and clean later the adapter to get a flat surface, so that the adapter can fits to the cad reader.
Step 7: Test and Installation
Your extension is ready, you can check the continuity just in case! so you will not damage your card reader or computer...
If you need the extension to be installed to your project, I provided the STL files of two versions of a printable 3D support with a cover, the design can be found also here: