Introduction: SD Card Size GAME Console With Pico

About: As a young kid, my curiosity in electronics was compelling.... why does thunder interrupt the radio reception? ....why does ROBOTs run without any wire?.... and I've been hooked on making thing ever since.

i was wondering about how to put MCU and displayer into an SD card !

i use the pico to slim SD card case, finally! By now.

it is powerful when you use the pico 2040, you will find out it at the very first time .

it's tiny but very powerful !


1. SD card case * 1

2. Pi pico 2040 * 1

3. ssd1306 display * 1

4. cutter * 1

5. 3V coin battery * 1

6. coin battery case * 1

7. small bizzer * 1

8. small pot (1M) * 1

9. some wires

Step 2: Circuit Diagram

i cut the pico into 2 pieces in order to put it in the SD card case !

pico -- ssd1306

3.3V ------VCC

GND ----- GND

GP8----- SDA (SDATA)

GP9 ---- SCL (SCLK)

pico -- POT

3.3V -----POT left pin

ADC0--- POT center pin

GND-----POT right pin

pico -- pizzer

GP11 ---- pizzer +

GND ----- pizzer -

Step 3: CODE

the pico use the python language.

Step 4: Connect to Power

test run !

Step 5: 4 Put They All Together