About: ignite.innovate.ideas

Hellow world today i will show you how to shrink your arduino projects and make it a permanent one. Whenever I make a project using arduino it will probably contains lots of jumber connections on breadboard and the project will not be a permanent one,If you want to make any other project using arduino then you need to remove all the connections made on it and if you want to rebuild the same project then you need to start from level 0 :(
Shrinking your project will make your project small in size,beautifull and a permanent one


Step 1: Things You Need

All the parts and materials are cheap and easily available


  • Ardunio uno
  • Atmega8/16
  • 16MHz crystal
  • 22pf capacitor
  • 10uf capacitor
  • Resistor 10K , 100K
  • Breadboard
  • Jumber wire

  • Arduino IDE

Step 2: Video Tutorial

This videos demonstrates it very well !!

Step 3: Uploading the ISP Skectch

To use your Arduino board to burn a bootloader onto an AVR, you need to follow a few simple steps.

  • Open the Arduino IDE
  • Open the ISP sketch (from Examples) and upload the sketch to your board by selecting the correct Board and Serial port
  • Done Uploading !!!!

Step 4: Making the DIY Programmer

After successful uploading of the sketch(ISP), Wire your Arduino board to the target board(atmega8/16) as shown in the diagram below.
(Note for the Arduino Uno: you’ll need to add a 10 uF capacitor between reset and ground.After uploading the ISP sketch, which i had forgot to add in the photo)

ARDUINO PIN--------------------------ATMEGA8/16PIN

SS (Pin 10)--------------------------RESET (Pin 1)

MISO (Pin 11)--------------------------MISO (Pin 17)

MOSI (Pin 12)--------------------------MOSI (Pin 18)

SCK (Pin 13)--------------------------SCK (Pin 1)

VCC (Pin 7)---------------------------AVCC (Pin 20)

Gnd (Pin 8)----------------------------Gnd (Pin 22)

Step 5: Choosing the Correct Board

It depends on the target micro controller you are using
if your using Atmega 8 select Arduino ng or older w/ atmega8

or if your using Atmega 16 select Arduino ng or older w/ atmega16

Select the Tools >> Board and select corresponding board on which you want to burn the bootloader , I am using atmega8 as target microcontroller so i will choose board as Arduino NG or older w/ Atmega8

Step 6: Burning BOOTLOADER

Select Tools>>Programmer>>Arduino as ISP
Recheck everything is connected properly and click Burn Bootloader > Arduino as ISP command.

After a while you will see a message “Done burning bootloader” ,After that you can upload your codes using the Arduino IDE to your atmega8 chip

Step 7: Test the DIY Arduino Board

NOTE: While uploading the sketch via ISP ,don't just simply upload the sketch select upload using programmer(Ctrl+shift+U)

Try uploading basics LED blink sketch to atmega8 via arduino and if the LED blinks then your board works properly as in the gif image below

Step 8: Conclusion

This is a breadboard version of the programmer so whenever you want programme your chip you need to make all the connections on the breadboard again and again So I will make a permanent one PCB of the programmer

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This is one of my arduino work which i have shirked