Introduction: SMART IRRIGATION SYSTEM Using IoT # 'Built on BOLT'

The Smart Irrigation System is an IoT based device which is capable of automating the irrigation process by analyzing the moisture of soil and the climate condition (like raining).Also the data of sensors will be displayed in graphical form on BOLT cloud page. For detailed description of project click on the Research Paper link given below-

In this project, we will command the arduino/328p microcontroller through a webpage to control the motor (i.e., to start and stop the motor) and the rest of whole irrigation process will be automatically controlled by arduino itself.

The user has only to do is –Start the motor or if he desires it can switch off the motor by just a click only.

Once the Motor pump has started- following automated condition will work

1. User can switch OFF the motor if he desires by a click on the web page.

2. The motor pump will automatically get switched OFF once the soil moisture sensor has reached the required threshold value.

3. If weather condition is such that it started raining, then the micro-controller will shut down the motor pump till raining. And after that it checks whether the soil moisture sensor has reached the threshold value or not. If it crosses the threshold value then motor pump will remain shut down otherwise it will start again automatically. This helps in saving water resource and electricity.

4.Also in case, when power supply gets cut-off and motor gets switched off. It will restart again automatically when there will be availability power supply, user will have not to worry about restarting the motor pump manually.

5. Also data of various sensor like- moisture sensor , temperature sensor, humidity sensor will be displayed on BOLT cloud in graphical form but due to limitation of BOLT i have only displayed one sensor data(moisture sensor data).

Step 1: Block Diagram of Project

DO the connection of sensors, BOLT and relay as given in diagram. I have used 328p microcontroller which is used in ARDUINO. So you can use Arduino in place of 328P microcontroller.

Step 2: Arduino Code for Project

Hardserial.ino is arduino code which consist of interfacing of different sensors with arduino and interfacing of Arduino with BOLT to send data of sensor on BOLT cloud page.

Step 3: Coding of HTML Page

In this step, we will code the HTML page through which we send command to Arduino for controlling the motor(i.e., to START and STOP the motor).

Step 4: Uploading JavaScript on BOLT Cloud

Write the following JS code notepad++


and then save it using .js file extension. This is very important.This will takes the value of sensors and upload it in graphical form on BOLT cloud.

Step 5: Configuration on BOLT Cloud Page

If you have already bought a BOLT device and registered it then

1- open the bolt cloud page - click on the link

and then login to that.

2- then click on DEVELOPER CONSOLE -> Click on "+" button to create a new product in PRODUCTS section.

3- In the CREAT NEW PRODUCT section -

i- write any name for new product

ii- choose any icon

iii- Select UI as default.html

4- click on CREATE PRODUCT

5- AFTER that click on "YES" for creating HARDWARE CONFIGURATION

6- Then select GPIO and number of pin as 1

7- Choose pin as "AO" [we have connected the moisture sensor at A0 pin]

8- and VARIABLE NAME as "temp" [because we have written temp as variable in js code {STEP-4}]

9- Lastly upload the JS file in UPLOAD FILES section and and change the default,html file from that js file.

Step 6: Deploy Configuration and Data Visulisation

1- Click on the DEVICES Tab. Your Device ID will be listed.Now, Under the product tab, Select the name of your product “Bolt IoT Product”. For eg - temp. Now, Click on the Deploy Configuration button.

2- Go to home page and click on BOLT unit. It will redirect to you on the new page where you can see a graph for moisture with respect to Time.