Introduction: STICK IT | an Interactive Way to Make Music.

Watch the video to see it in action! You can see I used a plant to make different tones, and also a glass of water to make new sounds!

Step 1: STICK IT | an Interactive Way to Make Music.

First arduino project for a school project at the HKU games & Interaction.

STICK IT is an interactive way to make music with objects surrounding you.

Step 2: This Is What You Need.

Technical parts:

  • 2x Pushbuttons
  • 1x Water Sensor Module
  • 1x TMP Sensor
  • 2x Buzzer
  • 1x Potentiometer
  • 1x 16x2 LCD Screen
  • 1x Arduino Yun And Some Wires

Design parts:

  • 1x MDF wood (6mm)

Step 3: Software

To use the arduino you need the official Arduino software to connect to the Arduino. To make the LCD work you need the <LiquidCrystal> Library. Both links are given below.

Step 4: Wiring

Above is the whole wiring process visible. The only thing not visible is the Water sensor which should be in the lower right corner.

Notes for Analog:

  • Water sensor is plugged in Analog 0
  • Temperature sensor in plugged in to Analog 1

Step 5: Code

The code below is to make the whole project feel alive. Everything is marked and should be Plug and Play. The only thing you should notice is that the temperature only works on start up for now, this is because it is placed in the Setup function, feel free to correct it if it's bothering you.

Dont forget to dowload the Library!

Step 6: Building the Buttons and Case.

The first picture is the finished project as refrence.

In the next step you see the 'button' being made, you can see how I used multiple layers to give everything enough space.

  • Top square is the button
  • The first ring beneath is the place where the push button needs to go, the holes are available to run your wires through
  • The wires need a small print plate where the resistor is stored so everything will work perfect, if lost please go back to the wiring section.

The next thing you need to have is the 'Control Deck' the illustration shows how everything should fit together.

  • The wires both meet in the middle of the plate so they can go meet in the 'Base'

'Display Screen' explains itself as does the 'Base'. In the base there is enough room for the arduino, power source, cables and print plates.

If you need the Illustrator work files please contact me.

Step 7:

Last but not least you need to make the 'Key' the key is made out of 3 simple plates as shown by the second picture. The sensor (Photo 3) fits perfectly in the key and can be glued to the base to make sure it doesn't shift.

Step 8: Extras

If this was to easy for you try to add some extras!

  • Bluetooth module so the key and the base can function wireless.
  • A lightsensor to make the pitches even more unique!
  • A moisture sensor arduino!

Have fun! And remember if you need any work files please contact me.