This is my second instructable!

Step 1: Materials

The materials needed are:

 - A4 paper

 - Scissors

Step 2: Getting Started!

This plane was not 100% made by me, a friend of mine made one to me and i improved it so, the plane that i will show you how to make is mine, improved BETA version!
Have fun!

First you need to bend one end to the other side as shown in the picture!And then make the same thing in the other side!(if you dont understand my english, photos say it all^^)
You should get something similar to the last photo!

Step 3: Folding...

OK, now gentle push the midle 1-2 and midle 2-1 to the midle(see photo)
you should have a triangle.
now fold corner1and corner2 to the midle!
you should have a diamond form!


ok now divide the diamond form into 2 triangles, fold the up triangle down!
ok we are almost there :)

now fold all the plane at half!
Make the wigs(do the same in the oposite sides)

go to next step to improve your plane!

Step 5: Extras/Improvements.

here are some improvements you can do... i will not explain them becuase it's just cutting(you can rip with your fingers) and folding very small things!

Have fun with it :D