Introduction: SainSmart Car With Bluetooth
In this instructible I continue on the project in SainSmart Car Kit Instructions and I added a HC-06 Bluetooth Module to the Shieldv5.0.
Tips for Building:
- Build the car (metal pieces in the kit) around the wires built in SainSmart Car Kit Instructions
- Make sure the wires are secure (with electrical tape or solder) before putting everything together
- Keep the Car "on blocks" when testing (so it does not roll away)
Materials needed are:
- The materials listed in the Car Kit Instructions before
- HC-06 Bluetooth Module (or HC-05)
- At least four Female to Female Jumper Wires
- Some Female to Male wires
- Three 10K Ohm resistors
- A breadboard
- 9V battery and connection for ir
Step 1: Connect the HC-05 (Power and Ground) to the Shieldv5.0
To connect the first part follow the wire diagram above. Start by connecting the + and - pins on the Shieldv5.0 to the VCC and GND and HC-06. Then connect a male to male jumper wire to the GND and VCC on the Shield to the end + and - slots in the breadboard (as seen in the diagram).
Step 2: Connect the HC-05 Rx to the Breadboard
Continue to follow the wire diagram for the Bluetooth. First, connect a female to female wire from the Rx on the Shield to the Tx on the HC-06.
To connect the Rx connect a female to male wire into the Tx pin on the Shield and connect the other end into the breadboard. Then connect a 10K Ohm resistor right above that slot a couple slots away and connect the other end into a slot parallel to that slot. Connect another female to male right above that slot and connect the female end to the HC-06. Then make the voltage devider by connecting to 10K resistors or a 20K resistor (like in the diagram) and then use a male to male jumper wire and connect it to the ground row in the breadboard.
To connect the Rx connect a female to male wire into the Tx pin on the Shield and connect the other end into the breadboard. Then connect a 10K Ohm resistor right above that slot a couple slots away and connect the other end into a slot parallel to that slot. Connect another female to male right above that slot and connect the female end to the HC-06. Then make the voltage devider by connecting to 10K resistors or a 20K resistor (like in the diagram) and then use a male to male jumper wire and connect it to the ground row in the breadboard.
Step 3: Coding for the Bluetooth
To connect the HC-06 with the computer download Tera Term or Putty and follow this tutorial and to connect the Arduino with an Android download the SENA BTerm on Android. (Also look at the tutorial at
Use this code to program the Bluetooth module:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
//Declaring constants for the IN pins
const int rightForwardPin = 4;
const int rightBackwardPin = 2;
const int leftBackwardPin = 7;
const int leftForwardPin = 5;
char incomingByte;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(rightForwardPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(rightBackwardPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(leftForwardPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(leftBackwardPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
//Checks to see that the Serial port is available (In putty/Tera Term/SENA BTerm)
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
//Reads the char coming in
incomingByte =;
if(incomingByte == 'w'){
Serial.println("Going forward");
if(incomingByte == 'x'){
Serial.println("Going backward");
if(incomingByte == 's'){
if(incomingByte == 'd'){
Serial.println("Going right");
if(incomingByte == 'a'){
Serial.println("Going left");
//Setting the wheels to go forward by setting the forward pins to HIGH
void forward(){
digitalWrite(rightForwardPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(rightBackwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(leftForwardPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(leftBackwardPin, LOW);
//Setting the wheels to go backward by setting the backward pins to HIGH
void backward(){
digitalWrite(rightForwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(rightBackwardPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(leftForwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(leftBackwardPin, HIGH);
//Setting the wheels to go right by setting the rightBackwardPin and leftForwardPin to HIGH
void right(){
digitalWrite(rightForwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(rightBackwardPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(leftForwardPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(leftBackwardPin, LOW);
//Setting the wheels to go left by setting the rightForwardPin and leftBackwardPin to HIGH
void left(){
digitalWrite(rightForwardPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(rightBackwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(leftForwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(leftBackwardPin, HIGH);
//Setting the wheels to go stop by setting all the pins to LOW
void stopCar(){
digitalWrite(rightForwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(rightBackwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(leftForwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(leftBackwardPin, LOW);
Use this code to program the Bluetooth module:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
//Declaring constants for the IN pins
const int rightForwardPin = 4;
const int rightBackwardPin = 2;
const int leftBackwardPin = 7;
const int leftForwardPin = 5;
char incomingByte;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(rightForwardPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(rightBackwardPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(leftForwardPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(leftBackwardPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
//Checks to see that the Serial port is available (In putty/Tera Term/SENA BTerm)
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
//Reads the char coming in
incomingByte =;
if(incomingByte == 'w'){
Serial.println("Going forward");
if(incomingByte == 'x'){
Serial.println("Going backward");
if(incomingByte == 's'){
if(incomingByte == 'd'){
Serial.println("Going right");
if(incomingByte == 'a'){
Serial.println("Going left");
//Setting the wheels to go forward by setting the forward pins to HIGH
void forward(){
digitalWrite(rightForwardPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(rightBackwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(leftForwardPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(leftBackwardPin, LOW);
//Setting the wheels to go backward by setting the backward pins to HIGH
void backward(){
digitalWrite(rightForwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(rightBackwardPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(leftForwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(leftBackwardPin, HIGH);
//Setting the wheels to go right by setting the rightBackwardPin and leftForwardPin to HIGH
void right(){
digitalWrite(rightForwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(rightBackwardPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(leftForwardPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(leftBackwardPin, LOW);
//Setting the wheels to go left by setting the rightForwardPin and leftBackwardPin to HIGH
void left(){
digitalWrite(rightForwardPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(rightBackwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(leftForwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(leftBackwardPin, HIGH);
//Setting the wheels to go stop by setting all the pins to LOW
void stopCar(){
digitalWrite(rightForwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(rightBackwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(leftForwardPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(leftBackwardPin, LOW);
Step 4: Any Problems
If there are any problems look at these tips:
- If the light is not on on the L298N or Arduino check that all the wires inside are attached correctly
- If the wheels will not move first check that the light on the HC-05 is not blinking (meaning that it is connected. Then, if it is not blinking then check the code.
- Make sure that the 9 volt battery is connected to the Arduino UNO and the battery pack is connected to the L298N (otherwise the connection will not work)
- If the light is not on on the L298N or Arduino check that all the wires inside are attached correctly
- If the wheels will not move first check that the light on the HC-05 is not blinking (meaning that it is connected. Then, if it is not blinking then check the code.
- Make sure that the 9 volt battery is connected to the Arduino UNO and the battery pack is connected to the L298N (otherwise the connection will not work)