Introduction: Salted Brandy Caramel
Step 1: Ingredients
Picture 1. Ingredient list
Picture 2. Place the sugar in a heavy bottomed pan
Picture 3. add the measure of brandy
Picture 4. - 5. allow the sugar to begin to melt
Picture 6. allow the sugar to begin to boil
Picture 7. eventually the caramel with turn a beautiful dark colour the 7th photo shows the ideal colour for the next stage.
Picture 2. Place the sugar in a heavy bottomed pan
Picture 3. add the measure of brandy
Picture 4. - 5. allow the sugar to begin to melt
Picture 6. allow the sugar to begin to boil
Picture 7. eventually the caramel with turn a beautiful dark colour the 7th photo shows the ideal colour for the next stage.
Step 2: Adding the Cream
Picture 1. at this stage you can start adding the double cream.
Not Shown Add the butter just after you add the cream (Thanks "stormirose" for pointing this out)
Picture 2. you should use a whisk to properly blend your cream and caramel
Picture 3. this should be the ideal colour for your caramel once properly blended
Picture 4. you can add the salt now
Picture 5. you can add some more brandy at this point or whisky if your using it, it will give the caramel a bit of an extra kick if that is what your looking for.
you need to add the double cream very slowly otherwise the cold cream with cause the caramel around the cream to harden and your sauce will be lumpy and not properly mixed.
Step 3: Final Touches
Picture 1. make sure that the jars are spotless before you start
Picture 2. be careful pouring the caramel and make sure that you don't slosh it around as it will horrible marks on the inside of the container
Picture 3. final touches find some string maybe some ribbon and a label if you can for the added homemade look.
Picture 2. be careful pouring the caramel and make sure that you don't slosh it around as it will horrible marks on the inside of the container
Picture 3. final touches find some string maybe some ribbon and a label if you can for the added homemade look.