Introduction: Sandpaper Tip

About: I love writing, DIYing, Crossfit, and playing board games. My fantasy novels are available on Amazon and my short stories have been appeared in Spark, Abyss and Apex, Bards and Sages Quarterly, Stupefying Stor…
Make your sandpaper last by folding it like a pro.

I saw this in a magazine a while ago, and it changed my life. So obvious, so useful, so easy. If you fold your sandpaper this way, there are are no sand-on-sand sections wearing each other out. Each sand side is protected by paper. It's beautiful.

The picture says it all:
  1. Take a square of sandpaper
  2. Make a tear halfway down the middle
  3. Fold one "ear" down
  4. Fold paper side over the ear and fold down
That's it. Enjoy.
Woodworking Contest

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Woodworking Contest