Introduction: Santa Claus PCB Arduino Module
Christmas is here and Silícios Lab is happy to offer you the best. This Christmas 2019 we are offering a Santa Claus module for Arduino.
Through this module, you will be able to control your Santa Claus hand, eyes, and your bonnet. In addition, you can control the song through passive buzzer and use the button to control some functionality with Arduino.
You'll need of this following components.
Step 1: Introduction
Christmas is here and Silícios Lab is happy to offer you the best. This Christmas 2019 we are offering a Santa Claus module for Arduino.
Through this module, you will be able to control your Santa Claus hand, eyes, and your bonnet.
In addition, you can control the song through passive buzzer and use the button to control some functionality with Arduino.
Step 2: The Project
Below, in figure above we have an electronic schematic to easier your assembly process and understand how the circuit was created.
As is possible see, was used as a male header with 8 pins. In each pin was connected to the 4 LEDs of 5 mm, the passive Buzzer and a Button for general purpose.
Step 3:
After constructing the circuit, was created the Printed Circuit Board, as is shown in figure above.
After this, the user can buy the electronic components, solder and create good Christmas projects with Santa Claus and the Arduino.
Step 4:
Hereafter, we'll show the 3D printed circuit board of the Santa Claus Arduino Module in figure above.
So, if you want to download these files, you can access my repository in PCBWay Shared Projects - My Repository.
Step 5: Acknowledgment
Therefore, through this project you can use it in your Arduino projects and, too, you can use it in activities to solder and learn about programming with Arduino.
Thanks to the PCBWay for support the our YouTube Channel and produce and assembly PCBs with better quality.
The Silícios Lab thanks UTSOURCE to offer the electronic components.