Introduction: Sapphire Wash Trommel and Gravel Seperator

About: I am a teacher who enjoys environmentally responsible woodworking. Most evenings will find me in the shop working with my now 8 year old son Shay who is both my greatest helper and biggest fan.

Long name for something the just cuts out the hand screening and washing.  Unlike the reverse helix trommel and water pulse concentrator instructables I have on here, this one is still a work in progress.  The stripped gear motor that was plaguing the unit last year has been upgraded and strengthened.  At the end of the 2013 Sapphire season I should be able to show the beast as either a win or a failure.  The idea is to wash and power screen the material right from the ground saving the steps of hand screening and hand washing before going into the water pulse concentrator.  Also there is a deposit on the claim where we were told stones are in a mixture of peat, somthing that simply can not be hand screened with out lots of water and making a mess down stream.

Great Outdoors Contest

Participated in the
Great Outdoors Contest