Introduction: Save the Plant
What is this project about?
This project was developed for bolwerk by three studentsindustrial product development. We had to Design and create a new "water themed machine" for children to play with at our local town festivities this year. The goals is to have fun and make your machine attractive to a public. It had to be accessible, easy to use and good with little ones.
Bolwerk is an organisation who does this all the time. One of their projects include a volkswagen beetle modified into a pool! You can find more info of them on bolwerk.
Step 1: The First Obstacle (What and How To)
The first mission of the game is bringing up the water.We do this using a bicycle chain and gears. When the cup filles with water and this goes up. The cup bottemis attatched on a vast rope making it tilt. The water runs to the second obstacle.
· 22mm axle (wood , aluminum , ... )
· 2 mm steel shaft · A set of bicycle gears
· One pedal type of gear
· Bicycle chain
· Glue
· Bucket
· Wood 20 * 15 * 300 · Screws
· Thin nylon rope
· Drill
· 2mm wood drill
· 22mm wood drill
· Saw
· Chain locker / unlock tool
Buy a plywood slab width of 1250mm and 2500mm wide and 18 thick cut vertically into two parts.
1. Drill 2x20 MM holes in the panel ( see first drawing )
2. Next , cut the other pedal of the handle, so you can use the peddel gear with one hand.
3.Place an shaft about which the 20mm holes are drilled through the toothed wheel and through the drilled hole in the plate.
4.Glue the shaft fixed to the plate and the tooth wheel loose on the shaft.
5.Confirm the tilt system through one of the links by means of a screw and cup through a shaft of 2 mm (see second drawing)
Step 2: The Second Obstacle (What and How To)
The water is now in three channels.
Here you must pull a string and the water supervise the water in the correct channel.However when you do not wull on the cord , it does not end up in the water collector fairing with the result that you get wet ! After the water is collected by the water collector the water is further gerappelleerd down and tilted in the other receptacle .
Here there will be mainly worked with aluminum plates , and wooden plates that are mounted in a receptacle ( water collector) . We also use a standard pulley(see drawing3) hollow metal tube diameter18*250(see drawing 11), rope and a plastic tray(drawing3).
· 180 mm steel shaft (hollow)
· Glue
· Screws
· Thin nylon rope
· Drill
· 2mm wood drill
· bending machine & plate cutting machine(see last foto)
When the water reached the top it wil fall in the channels. these channels are made from 0.8mm sheet metal. use the bending machine to make these parts. Use screws to put them on the panel.
As you can see from the first drawing 'm getting used a guide plate(drawing 1 red parts) of 80mm to 20mm with a hole through to attach a cord than through a hole in the plate is and rear plate back there get stung by the same plate where the handle of the reppel system is located (see drawing1)
This has as an objective that you have to pull on the guide palte in the correct direction to control of the channel, the plate also always returns by a spring which is attached to the pleated side of the tray .
The tray is gerapeleerd down . Where a bar attached to both sides His rope . This rope is then then led rope pulleys door (see photo) , and attached back on both sides of the tray (see data sheet ) .
Between the rod and the receptacle word An Al plate mounted FOR A clear barrier for Couples in to the game . The tray word Descent gerappelleerd , namely Can Be Tilted door to the tilt rod also see video .
HOW TO : see technical drawing.
Step 3: The Third Obstacle (What and How To)
The Pitfalls
A new part of our concept the pitfalls . These are located in the maze. It is an additional obstacles that make it difficult maze . By means of a slot in which you cup can remain happeren disappears waters you do not know where it comes out. The PVC piping along the back of the plate , the water will move . There are five pitfalls in the maze; 1 , the water directly to the plant or it will bring a run it in your face ...
Now we start with the last two panels.
· Wood pannels (dimentions see first drawing)
· Glue
· Screws
· Thin nylon rope Utilities
· Drill
· 2mm wood drill
Drill 2mm holes in the left section of the panel. you can drill these randomly.
Put tiney shaft in each hole and glue them. these will form the first obstacles.
The basket:
make a basket with te follow dimension 100x80x50.
To make the traps you need a milling machine.
You need to cut 5 holes witch are 100mm long and 20mm wide.(see last picture)
On the backside of the panel you need to make baskets who catch the water and guide it to somewhere else.
To guide the water you need to get some plastic tubes.(see last picture)
Step 4: The Fourth Obstacle (What and How To)
The last challenge you need to make are the moving taps.
· Wood pannels (dimentions see first drawing)
· Glue
· Screws
· Aluminium panles
· Drill
· 7mm wood drill
Drill 7 holes with a diameter of 8mm.
Place the moving taps in the holes but don't glue them it is essensial that they can turn.
The last parts you need are the sheet metal baskets (see 4 drawing) you made earlier. screw them under the moving taps so they can catch al the spilling water.
Step 5: The Pannel Support
now you will place panel 2 & 3 on panel 1 & 4. you need some metal shackels and some wooden beams. Srew the beams on the panels 2 & 3. The schackels are ment for the panels 1 & 4 . messure ever distance corectly or the beam wil not fit in the shackels.
Step 6: Make: Support Feet
we made 4 legs for the panels. the legs are made from wooden beams. We used shackels and srews to attach everting, we also put wood glue on the beams to make sure they can't come lose.
Step 7: Assemble: Support Feet
screw the support legs on the panels 1 and 4. You can glue them for extra stabilety.
Step 8: The End
On the edges we put a rubber protection. It not only gives a cool look it is also much safer.
the last part is decorating the penals. you can make your own design to put on the penals.
Step 9: Overview - to Do List and Required Materials
For this project we will need the following:
drill, buzz saw, belt saw, bending machine, table saw
aluminium, MDF, srews, gears, bicycle chain, wood glue, timber
To do:
Part 1: Making
Drill holes in plate
cut tubing
Make: Chain lift and tipping basket
Make: Aluminium baskets
Make: downwards water lift components
Make: Cord pull game
Make: Moving water guides
Make: collection reservoir with tap
Make: support feet
Part 2: Assembly
assemble: Chain system (1)
assemble: divider (2)
assemble: picker (3)
assemble: downwards water lift (4)
assemble: baskets to base plate
assemble: cord pull game
assemble: moving water guides
assemble: water reservoir with tap
assemble: support feet
Decorate with paint and artefacts