Introduction: Saving a New Geocaching Waypoint on IPhone

About: Professional comedy magician and avid geocacher Check out my blog at:

Are you trying to find caches on your iPhone, but can't figure out how to navigate to the final of a puzzle or need to see where the Trail head to a cache is. Look no further, this instructable will guide you thru this process.
Check out my geocaching blog, if you wish:

Step 1: Find the Cache You Want to Locate

Once you have decided on which cache to look for click on it

Step 2: Select the Cache You Want

Step 3: Scroll Down to "Waypoints"

Click on the "Waypoint" to take you to the edit screen

Step 4: Touch the "Plus" Symbol

Step 5: Add a Name for Your Waypoint

Type in the new Co-ords that you need for the waypoint for parking, or a trailhead or the final location for a puzzle or multi cache

Step 6: Hit the Save!!

Once you have made a new name for your co-ords and typed in the New Co-ords you want to save, hit the save button.

Step 7: Navigate to the Cache

In the map as you navigate, your new waypoint will show up as a flag. Click on it and go find it.

Good Luck, hope this helps!!


Step 8: